Chapter 1

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Hi my names Jack and I've moved to so many schools. I'm really smart. I've moved to a lot of school because I get bullied a lot. I get called a nerd, dork, and many other names. Everyday I wish that I could have a friend like me or even a girlfriend but I know that will never happen sadly but I always keep my head up. Today is my first day at my new school and I hope that this school will be the one that I can find a friend that's just like me.

I always do my hair in the morning. I always pull back my hair and then my mom sets out my clothes like always then I brush my teeth and go to school.

My mom calls me "Jack time to go to school." I run down stairs and I put on my shoes and my mom drives me to school. I pull up to my school and I go inside to look for my locker and right away I get shoved in my locker. I'm yelling for someone to help me out of my locker finally I see some light and its a really cute girl helping me out of my locker.

I say thank you to this girl and I run away. I go to my first class and I can't stop thinking about this girl. The teacher asks me to answer a question on the bored and I answered it really good like always. Kids keep on laughing at me and kicking my chair. Finally my first class is done but people keep on pushing me and all I can think about is this girl.

I go to my locker to get my books for my next class and the girl that helped me out of my locker comes up to me. "Hi I'm Melissa I'm the one that helped you out of your locker" she says to me. "Hi I'm Jack" I say to her. She smiles at me an I just stand there. The bell rings and I tell her I have to go. I close my locker door and I run away from her and she just stands at my locker, sad.

I get to my next class and I feel really bad that I left her there all by herself but I've never talked to a girl before so I don't know what to say to a girl without messing things up.

The next bell rings and I go to my locker again to get my books for my next class. I close my locker door and there she is again Melissa's at my locker again. "Why do you always run away from I'm not going to do anything to you". I turn to her and say " I'm a nerd I've never talked to a girl before I always run away from you cause I don't wanna say anything wrong".

She says to me "I don't care, I don't care what people say about you I wanna be your friend". I think in my head really she wants me to be her friend omg. I tell her "I've never had a real friend before cause everyone thinks I'm a nerd".

"Well I don't care what people think your not a nerd to me". I smile at her and my face goes red cause no one has ever said that to me and it made me happy.

I look at her and I say "really no one has ever said that to me". She says to me "yeah you don't look like a nerd to me but do you maybe wanna hang after school?" I turn to her and say "really you wanna hang with me". "yeah who wouldn't want too your really nice" "ok we can hang after school but I have to go to class now see you after school".

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