Chapter 2

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The next day comes and I get ready for another day at school. My mom calls and says it time to go to school but when I get down streets she's not walking out to the car?

"What's going on mom?" "I have something for you close your eyes" she brings me outside "mom what's going on?" she tells me to open my eyes. "Here's your new car" I'm freaking out inside I'm so happy.

"Thanks mom" I get in my new car and I drive to school. I pull up in my new car and everyone is looking at my car it's the best car in the whole school but then when I get out of my car people look away and start laughing at me. I walk in the school and Melissa runs up to me "hey I thought we were going to hang after school yesterday?" "I seen you kissing someone so I took it as you were busy" "that was my boyfriend but he just wanted to say bye to me that's all we could of still hug out" I tell her well I need to go to class and I tell her ill talk to her later.

Later that day Melissa comes up to me at my locker and says "do you wanna hang after school today and this time can we hang out" "ya ok I would like that" I smile and tell her I need to go to my last class and ill see her after school.

Finally the bell rings and Melissa's waiting at the door for me this time I walk up to her and say "hey you wanna hang at my place?" "Ok lets go" me and Melissa walk to my car and I start driving. I stop the car at my house and I get out and open the door for her. Thank you she says to me. We walk to the house and I open the door for her "holy your house is big" "its not that big" I look at her and say "do you wanna watch a movie?" she says back "sure" we walk down the hall and turn down another hall into the movie room.

I ask her "do you want anything" she says "how about some pop corn and gummy bears" I grab some pop corn and some gummy bears then we go and sit down. I sit 2 chairs down from her she looks at me and says "I'm not going to hurt you come sit closer to me" so I get up and I come and sit closer to her. She picks a movie and it gets to a kissing part and I look into Melissa's eyes and Melissa looks in my eyes and she holds my hand and I put my other arm around her and we move closer and we start kissing and she doesn't pull away and I don't pull away.

We stop kissing and start cuddling. She looks up at me and smiles and she has forgot that she has a boyfriend and I forgot too but I liked what she was doing. She looked at me and said "what do you look like with your glasses off" I say to her "idk do you wanna take them off?" she moves closer and takes off my glasses and smiles then she messes up my hair and tells me I look really cute with my glasses off and my hair messy.

Then she looks at the time and says that she's getting picked up soon then she gets closer again and we start kissing again and then we start making out and I've never made out with a girl before. We stop after making out for like 4 minutes and she looks at her phone and its her mom saying she's outside. We give each other one more big kiss and then she leaves I look in the mirror and I really like the way I look and I just need to change my look now and ill be cool.

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