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Eu escrevi uma imagine pela primeira vez só com smut e está em inglês e gostava que me dessem a vossa opinião!!

Aqui está:

He pines me down and takes his shirt off, leans down and kisses me, he started to kiss my jawline, then he bit my earlobe and the he gave me a hickey on my collarbone making me moan.
We switched positions and he took my shirt off, i lean down and kissed him, my hands were on his chest and his hands on my hips. I started long kisses on his neck which made him moanand I smirked.
He pines me down again and he took my shorts off and i took his jeans off. He removed my bra and his hands moved to my thighs, i putted my legs around him and my arms on his neck and he pushed me against the wall pressing his body against mine making me moan.
He started kissing my neck, still pressing his body to mine, he picked me up and took me to the bed, he removed my underwear and started to kiss my neck, then my chest to my V-line.
Than he took his boxers off and pressed his body to mine making me moan.

É tudo o que tenho!! Diz-me a tua opinião nos comentários!

Step-Brother L.HOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora