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As I previously stated, individually we are week, but as you can see above, we are dangerous in numbers. Usually in 1 unit of battle droids, there will be 9 Droids with three in front, middle, and back. We have slow reactions, but if we have the enemy pinned down, then we have seized victory.

We are usually deployed in times of great distress such as the Clone Wars. In the end it seems like we came out victorious, considering the Jedi had been betrayed by their fellow Clones.

In the later times of the war, we had upgraded B1 models. Such as the B1 MkII and the B1 MKIII. The MKII were more responsive with quicker reaction times and greater aim, and the MKIII could even equal the skill of a Clone.
EX: Star Ward Renegade Squadron.

That is all I have to say for now. I'll report back soon Roger Roger!

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