Chapter 10: Nikes On My Feet

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*1 year later*

Mac- I got up out of bed to the smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes, i did my stretches and headed down stairs to Jessica cooking breakfast all dressed up for work, she was wearing a pair of leggings a nice white blouse and some brown wedges, I smile and wrapped my arms around her from the back "smells great Hun" I kiss her neck and slowly let go of her waist going around to the bar stools and sitting in front of her she looks up and says " so your new album is in the top 20 of iTunes, are we gonna celebrate?" I smile "maybe we should have dinner then have a little party here" she smiles and I can't help but stare and her beautiful perfect white teeth, that smile is perfect "I think that's a great idea" I smile as she hands me a plate of breakfast.

I finish my breakfast, lay my plate in the sink and kiss Jessica's cheek " I'm going to go grab a shower and get dressed and head to the studio and discuss somethings with my my team" she smiles and kisses my lips "sure thing baby, I'll see you later I guess then?" I smile back at her " you got it cutie, I'll make sure to let them know about dinner and our little party tonight" she smiles and I hold her by her waist close to me and kiss her lip gently biting it softly as I pull away.

I grab a shower quickly and put on some boxers a pair of black pants a red crew neck with some white writing and a pair of Nikey white high tops, and a rope gold chain and a Rolex gold watch, I walk down stairs and see Jessica washing the dishes as I wrap my arms around her and kiss her neck as I grab my keys to my Range Rover, as I slowly let go "see you later baby" she smiles "see you tonight"


As Mac leaves I finish washing the dishes and I clean the whole house and call up a few of our friends and invite them to dinner and the party and I post it Facebook for anyone to come to the party tonight, I then head ups stairs and get dressed into a tight black dress with long sleeves with a long v-neck, and put on some nude around the ankle strap heels , a pair of rose gold earring and my Michael Kors rose gold watch, I put on some makeup and straighten my hair and braiding my bangs and pinning it underneath my hair, I then go down stairs and turn on the tv and hear the door bell ring and it was some of Macs friends, Wiz Khalifa and Amber Rose Rob Dydrek, MGK, Chanel Westcoast, Tyga and Kylie, Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, I invited them all in and got out some beers and wine! "So as you all know Macs album reached the billboards top 20! And he's so stoked!" So when he gets here I want you all to hide because he thinks it's just my friends and his parents coming and some of his family friends that he's with at the studio right now so when he comes in I want you guys to surprise him, he's not gonna be home for a while so we can just chill or what ever, I'm gonna call his parents and tell them to meet us at the restaurant and then so on"

Well hey guys I know it's been a while and I feel so bad, I've just been really busy, I moved out of my parents house and I'm still adjusting to the real world but hey that's life so I'll writing a lot more so be prepared!

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