Part 3: alfred

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Once he was in his room he immediately dove for his cushion fort where his steel javelin and his pet plushie goat was. When he was in the the fort he got bored very quickly and soon went crazy in a matter of like three seconds of being in there alone. So what he decided to do was to name his plushie goat for aimed reason because why not? He thought long and hard for at least an hour and finally he got it! Bob! But then he realized that was a very dumb name for a goat( no offense to any goats named bob) so he thought for another one hour and then he finally got a good name, Alfred! So for the rest of the night he talked and talked to his new pet plushie goat about his problems and how he loved his tv show the Bert show and other random things. Once the morning came Dom was in a ball sleeping in the corner with Alfred on his head. He soon woke to a door opening down stairs, it was his parents. But as soon as he was going to open the door he herd some screaming down stairs so he went back into his room this time grabbing his javelin and ran down stairs. What he saw was something he will never forget... He saw a huge hole in the wall with some blood around it. When he looked out of the window he found his mother laying there...dead...

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