Bridge: Part 1

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It had not been a full week since I was in a hospital. But this time it is clearly different. In my first accident I was clearly in the wrong state of mind, my negative vibes were everywhere, and I wanted to die. Sure, it was an accident; but I brought it on by myself.
This time it is way different.
I was on the way to overcoming myself. I was on the way of a bright and positive future.
Plus, I died on this accident. I knew it because I went to hell.
I saw a nurse walking into the room.
"Oh my god," she exclaimed in terror.
What was wrong with me?
"Doctor, please come in!" she yelled again.
What was wrong with me?
The doctor walked in.
"Asher, this is going to be hard to hear. You went into a coma," the doctor started.
"I know. I went to hell and I met Satan."
"Well, you went into a coma for 15 years."
My eyes turned extremely wide. I looked into my body, I did seem to have more wrinkles, etc...
"I'm going to leave you to cope with this," the doctor ended while he left the room, the nurse following him.
"Oh, and by the way you have a visitor."
"He goes by Franklin."
My stomach clenched.
He walked in.
"Well, well, well. Look where you ended up," franklin said. I was so terrified that I couldn't talk, but my expression was enough.
"You, you did this," I said stuttering.
"Who do you think was behind the wheel of that trailer?"
I knew it. I knew it.
"And I never thought it would have to end this way," he said as he approached me.
He grabbed the pillow from behind my head and started chocking me with it. A sharp pain went through my spine and I couldn't breathe.
As soon as my soul started to leave my body once again, I heard a shot. Like, a gun shot.
The pressure on the pillow was there no more. I pushed it off my face, and looked at myself. I had blood splattered all over me. There was also blood and guts on the wall behind me. Franklin was laying over me and he had a huge wound on his head. It was possible to see through it.
There was one mystery that hadn't been solved.
Who shot him?
I looked up and I saw who it was.
Marisun and her brother Palambalo.

Unexpected Part 2Where stories live. Discover now