Hospital: Last Part

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I needed to leave the hospital. Now. It was far too dangerous with Franklin in here. I removed the IV needles from my arm, and took all of my clothes off. I was completely naked. I soared through the corridors while my boobs bounced. I was thirsty so I just sprayed some milk from my boobs into my mouth.
I kept running, sick to my stomach. I couldn't find the end of hospital. I asked a policeman, but he only stared at my breasts. I offered him sex for directions, he agreed. After unpleasant sex, he gave me the directions. He died 0.000000000000000001 seconds after he told me because I gave him so many STDs.
I kept running, and I finally found the exit.
I looked for my car, and then I remembered I was brought here and I didn't drive here.
I just took the first car i saw. Luckily, it was an unlocked Ferrari with the keys inside.
I drove with no direction. Everything is so dangerous now. Franklin doing so much just to get to me. It really says that he is extremely determined to do something terrible to me.
I just drove.
My thoughts more opaque than a noir sky.

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