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"OH MY GOSH!!" I screamed. I turned to my mom.

" uh...don't see this?" I ask, my voice shaky with panic.

"Hun is your imagination acting up again?" she asked concerned.

It was...and it was terrible.

The death that walked away from the man now dead at my feet was coming back. And with each step it grew. It's white skin going transparent and pink, it's hands finally showing which were once white stubs now grey talons.
The cloak getting too tight for its growing body starting to rip to black shreds.

And more death followed.

"Yeah" I said. That had to be it. My imagination. That's all it is. All it could be.

And with the death in front of me I almost didn't notice the dead man at my feet begin to stir.

The man that has just risen looked dead upon me with a new light to his eyes. His lips moved as if speaking really fast but no words left his mouth from what I could hear.

Then I did hear it, his voice I mean. It was inside my head.

'It's ok' His voice said soothingly inside my head, 'They wont hurt you'

I almost dared believe it, it was just my imagination after all.

But despite everything that's happened hearing his voice inside my head jarred me the most. My imagination normally kept thing out of my head not bring them in.

For sure I'm probably mad.

My mom dragged me back from the door a little too urgently than she had too, but I didn't pay attention.

She closed the door and took me too the kitchen. she put her hands on my shoulders, I felt like I was in trouble.

She looked me dead in the eyes and she looked very serious.

"Now Mariah, that man was very troubled...he had some...issues. you need not to listen to anything he said." she said this as if she were an interrogator.

"you heard that too?" I asked. she normally would calm me down then tell me It wasn't real.

She looked scared for a moment as if she got caught for doing something bad.

"I just thought you heard something because you seemed frightened." She said uneasily.

Was she really trying to play it cool?

She paused for a minute expectantly waiting for me to respond. when I didn't she sighed.

"Mariah, did this man say anything to you before he collapsed?"

My gut told me not to trust her. I normally ignored my gut, but I didn't. I knew she knew something and the fact that she wouldn't tell me anything why would I bother telling her anything.

I didn't want to tell her.

so I didn't.

"No maam." I say. in my mind I had this badass smirk but on the out side all that was suspicious was my eyes.

I saw a flash of mistrust in her eyes and I knew this was far from over.

She let go of my shoulders reluctantly and straightened up.

"Go to bed, Its 10:34" she said sternly.

"A M!!!" I shout. What the heck women.

She gives me this look that says 'try me'

I was already to tired, my mind boggles me too much.

"Whatever." I mouth to her and sprint to my room. me being me of coarse I tripped on the second step.

That only made me more irritated for what just just happened.

'its not even real why does it matter so much'

I stomp up the stairs into my bedroom. Of course it's a mess. It just has to be a mess right now so naturally I trip over something...

But my room is never messy. It's always clean. Wasn't it clean when I left it?

I didn't need to think about that right now.

I sat down on my bed and pulled out my laptop. I have blank writing document pulled up on the screen. I have a habit of doing that when my mind is full though I never write anything.

My mind was turning over and over trying to find something that was nagging at the back of my mind. There was something that the man said that was bugging me. 

'What was it?'  I asked myself.

I've been turning it around in my mind so much that I hadn't realized I'd dozed off until it hit me. I jerked up and off my bed in one movement.

'Its in the bedroom' he'd said. 

he said it was in my bedroom.

'what's in my bedroom?!' I panicked. 

I looked over my room in a combat position. No wonder its messed up. 

'what did he hide in here?' I panicked again.

I walked over to my nightstand and picked up my clock. Its been less than half an hour since my mental freak out.

Wait a minute(Though my gut told me i didn't have one to spare), wasn't that just a part of my imagination.

There should be nothing in my room to be scared of in my room. 

With difficulty I strained against my instincts and resumed my normal yet stiff posture.

I kept turning all my wild thoughts over in my head when I realized I was absentmindedly packing my backpack, not even my school one, but the one my dad got me for camping.

I move away from my back pack so I don't start packing again although something told be i was nearly done.

I started cleaning my room, trying to not get lost in my head again. Of course I was unsuccessful. I was brought back into reality when I realized I was opening my moms bedroom door. [MY mom and dad don't share a room considering they don't consider themselves married. They won't get a divorce because they did't want me to grow up with separated parents.] Thankfully it was a well oiled door. I walked in and saw the light purple walls and the queen sized bed. As I walked in I could sense a mixture of loving mother and evil plotter.

I let my instincts guide me around the room to where they wanted me to go. They led me to her bed with a purple and white bed spread. The bed was placed on a small wooden landing with detachable stairs on the side.

you could see however that the top of the landing was not attached to the bottom. There was also an indent at the top of the landing that could roughly be identified as a handle. I put my hand to it and lifted it up.It was surprisingly lighter than I would have expected. I didn't lift the bed up to much so I wouldn't mess up the top of the bed.

I was confused at what I saw at first it looked like wanted pictures, until I saw who the picture was of. 

It was me. The whole landing the bed was on was hollowed out with wanted and missing pictures of me.

I started panicking, but that did no good.

Should I talk to my mom? Should I call my friend? Should I call the police? What do I do?

I get out of there. I swiftly let the bed down while taking two pictures to go and go to my room.

I grab my backpack and put the pictures in it and put on proper clothes and swing the already packed backpack over my shoulders. 

I walk over to my door, but I hesitate. I'm missing something.


I look at my window before I leave and see a pink sticky note. I don't need to walk over to it to read it. 

It reads: run.

,so I do.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2016 ⏰

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