Chapter 6: Confessions

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Yukari's POV:

Today is a new day! I'm going to do it! I'm gonna tell Makoto how I really feel! Im going to confess my love for him! Maybe, I'm not really sure. No, no don't do that to yourself you can get him! Besides if you really feel that way about him you better tell him now before some one else does! Alright better go to school.

*Time Skips: So I'm not the only one who talks to myself, Yukari is crazy too!*

I walked into the classroom and immediately started looking for Makoto. I spotted him in the corner of the classroom doing what he usually does. Just sitting there alone with headphones in and reading something. I decided to walk up to him but, then some one walk in front of me. She had beautiful red hair and flawless skin. I wasn't sure who she was. She walked with so much confidence too. I could never be like that but, that doesn't really matter. I need to go talk to Makoto. I was too late.

Makoto's POV:

"Hello there, I'm Mitsuru Kirijo. I was informed that you are new to this school, is that correct?" I looked up to see a red haired girl with dark eyes. She sort of scowled at me.

"Yes, that would be correct. I'm Makoto Yuki, nice to meet you." I said and gestured for her to grab my hand. She took it and finally smiled. She had a lovely smile. She would definitely be prettier if she smiled more often and not scowl so much. I noticed Yukari stand near the door. I waved and called her over. She looked surprised and a little uncomfortable. Could it be because of our date? I'm not sure.

"Makoto, I've taken an interest in you. Could you please accompy me tomorrow evening." She said this with a slight blush. I felt y own cheeks grow a little hot. I'm not used to some one being so straight forward with their feelings.

"Um, sure. I don't mind. How does seven sound?" I said trying to avoid her eyes. She smiled and said, "Seven would be just perfect. Thank, I must go back to class now. See you then." She waved goodbye and walked out of the classroom.

Finally Yukari walked over. "So who was that?" She asked a little timid. "Just some girl asking me on a date. I think her name was Mitsuru." I said very causally. "Oh, that's good for you. I'm glad you've taken a liking to her. I hope you guys are very happy. Now, please excuse me." She then turned and ran away. "W-wait Yukari what do you mean?" I got up out of my seat to follow her but, she was too fast. "Wait! Yukari!" I shouted down the hall way.

Why did she leave like that? Is she mad at me? Maybe she just really had to use the bathroom. I shrugged and walked back into the classroom. I just can't wrap my head around girls. They break so easily and cry about almost everything. But I swear I saw tears in her eyes. Why do I feel so bad?

Yukari's POV:

I just can't believe it. He calls me over just to hear all of that.
Just to hear her confess her feelings and then he accepts them! He doesn't even know her! We've been friends for much longer and I thought we had something special. I guess I thought wrong. I'm so stupid. Of course he would fall for her I mean is even prettier than me! Oh Makoto you idiot!!!!

*Time Skips: Love triangles are so cute! And irritating*

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