NDU (National directioners university) The beginning

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P.O.V. Louise

At 10 o' clock in the evening I sit on the couch with my laptop on my lap anxiously waiting just like every day. The beep of my computer makes me jump. "Finally!" I screech as I open the email I was waiting for.

I open the email greedy for what it says. My eyes scan the screen searching for answers. "Oh my god." My hands cover my mouth while my laptop drops to the ground. "This can't be true" I fall to the ground next to the laptop as tears form in my eyes. "I can't, this is so." I start to sob as I grab my phone and open my twitter.

I start to type a tweet to let my followers know the bad news. 'Guys, I didn't make it.They think I know too little about the boys.' I send the tweet and stand up from the ground and move myself upstairs to my bed.

Only a few seconds after my mentions explode. 'WHAT I CANT BELIEVE THAT' 'Just what you deserve biatch' 'I'm so sorry sweetie.' 'Just a confirmation of what a directionater you are.' The nice tweets make me feel better but those hateful ones break my shattered heart even more. I love my boys and not being admitted to NDU is like saying you aren't good enough to love them.

"FUCK!" I get out of bed and start ripping off all the posters on my wall. "I DO ALL FOR YOU BUT YOU NEVER DO ANYTHING FOR ME!" I rip all my posters off except one, the one I got from my nan. My first one direction poster. The one that started it all.

My thoughts drift off to my 12th birthday. I was so happy that day. I got loads of presents and my first poster to put on my walls. It was a gigantic poster of 5 boys in blue, red and white. They all smiled and it looked like they had alot of fun.

The sound of keys being dropped onto wood get my thoughts back to the present. "Sweetie I'm home where are you?" "I'm upstairs." I answer. "Okay, wait there I've got a surprise for you." "I don't want any surprises mum!" I scream as I walk out of my room, down the stairs. "What happened? Have you been crying?" "THEY DIDN'T LET ME IN MUM! I DON'T KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT THEM!" I scream in her face.

"Sweetie wait." She says as I twist the doorknob of the front door. "I don't want to wait, I'm so hashtag done." I say between my teeth as I step outside.

The cold air hits me like a train. It's not smart to walk out without a jacket in september if you are in just a top and a short.

I still don't get it, I checked all my answers afterwards and I only had 2 faults. 2 out of 150 isn't much, is it? My stomach turns and my toes are freezing off but I don't want to step another foot inside that house. It only makes things worse at this moment.

Instead I walk over to my best friend's house, Jill. I knock three times, hoping they're home. "Louise?" Jill questions with a suprised look on her face. "Can I come in?" I ask her "Yeah sure come on through." "Thanks." I mumble.

"Why are you wearing so little clothes?" she asks. "Why are you wearing so much clothes?" I throw back. "Still." she bitches. "I can never win an argument with you " I say giving her a light push. "You know it gurl." She says in one of her stupid and annoying voices.

"Let me look at your face." "no why?" "He, why are your eyes so puffy? You cried haven't you?" she remarks. "No?" I answer even though it sounds more as a question. "What happened?" "They- I-" I break down before I can even form a sensible sentence. "Ssht, it's okay." Jill pulls me in a tight hug. "Calm down, breathe in and breathe out, in and out." I sob even more as I try to relax.

"NDU, they-they didn't accept me." I can finally say. "Oh my god." Jill covers her mouth with her hand and walks off. "Jill?" I squeal as I follow her. I find her in the dining room walking in circles.

"Jill what's wrong?" she keeps walking in circles mumbling things to herself."JILL!" I scream to get her attention. "I'm so sorry Louise." "What are you talking about?" she doesn't say anything, but just points to an enveloppe laying on the dining table.

I grab it and I recognise it immediatly. It's from NDU. Next to it there's a box and the same logo as on the enveloppe is on it. and my heart sinks "Jill, is this what I think it is?" I ask her but she doesn't answer me. "JILL FOR GOD'S SAKE ANSWER ME!" "I'm so sorry" is all she says but that's enough for me. She got accepted even though she's only a fan for several months. I've been one for so long and I didn't make it? it's so unfair.

"I need some time Jill. I'll send you a text when I feel better." I say as I make my way out of her house. Fine, I just walked out of 2 houses in less than an hour. Well done Louise.

The streets of London are very empty. Believe it or not London has it's empty times too. And I'm so cold but I don't wanna go home. Not there at least. I wanna go to a place where I feel at ease and NDU could have been that place.

I cross my arms and look down to my feet as I wander down the streets. "Miss." a friendly voice says from behind me. "miss." he repeats. Is he talking to me? "Are you talking to me?" I question as I spin around. Completely turned around I look into one of the most beautiful pair of blue eyes I've ever seen. His blonde hair styled in a perfect quiff. A perfect smile. A perfect boy.

(A/N so complete change but I hope you like it. vote and comment please. Love you guys x Cupcakehazzafreak)

NDU (National directioners university) The beginningWhere stories live. Discover now