NDU (National directioners university): new chances

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P.O.V. Louise

I open up all my cupboards to find the ingredients I need. I eat spaghetti all the time, it's routine. Boil water with salt and a bit of oil in a pot. When the water's cooking you add the spaghetti and start warming the sauce. I don't get why people find cooking spaghetti a real task. They're probably just lazy. I hear footsteps on the stairs and I prepare myself for Niall nosing around the house.

"Sorry I just couldn't wait for dinner" he says as he stands behind me. "Shall I help with the sauce?" He says as he bows over me. I look him in the eyes and nod. Wow he's so huge yet refined. His eyes pierce through my soul before I turn away from him and continue cooking.

"It's really tidy here" he swipes his finger over the cupboard "There's not even a single piece of dust in this whole house" I look at him and open my mouth as if I wanna say something but before I can speak I turn my head again and start blushing. "Since when did you become so shy?" "I'm sorry, I'm just very focused on the food, speaking of food, the spaghetti's ready to be served."

I carry the heavy pot towards the kitchen table. But midway Niall grabs my hands while slowly taking the pot from them and placing it on the table.

I grab a big spoon from the drawer and start scooping spaghetti into our plates. "You have the softest hands I've ever felt, you know that?" Niall says while I pour spaghetti sauce over his plate. "Really?" I question "Yeah and they're also very warm." "Well thank you" I chuckle "but you know what's also very warm?"

P.O.V. Niall

"But you know what's also very warm?" Oh my god I hope she's not talking about... "the spaghetti, so dig in." She smiles at me before shoving a spoon full of spaghetti in her mouth. The strings of spaghetti dangle from her mouth and she sucks them all in, in a second. I also take a spoon full and reannact her action, which results in us both laughing till our tummies hurt. We quickly finish both our plates and I help her wash them off. "Do you think the paps are gone?" she asks with a big frown. "I don't know, I'm gonna peak through the curtains. I'll be back in a second.

I open the righter curtain a bit and I'm immediatly blinded by flashes. I close them as quickly as possible. "NO THEY'RE STILL HERE.' I scream from the other side of the room. I walk back towards the kitchen where I find Louise leaning against the counter. "My mum should be home soon. How do you think she's gonna react to all those nosy papparazi standing in front of our house? What can we do against them. We're trapped Niall!" She's starting to move uncomfortably across the room.

"I can try and get ahold of Harry, maybe he can get us out of here." I take my phone out of my pocket and scroll through my contact list to the 'h'. I tap the call button and only after a few seconds he answers.

"Niall where are you man, we've all been very worried about you." "Harry I'm in a bit of trouble."

P.O.V. Louise

Niall's moved upstairs to my bedroom and he's been up there calling Harry for almost half an hour. In the mean time I'm calling my mum to ask how late they'll be returning. "Listen sweety, I'm running late so I'll be staying at a hotel but I'll be back around noon tomorrow." I let out a sigh of relievement. "Okay, see ya tomorrow!" I hear footsteps coming down the stairs while my mum says "I love you sweety." I quickly say I love her too and then hang up.

"And?" I ask when he walks in my direction. "Harry's gonna call Paul and they'll pick us up here and then drop us off somewhere safe. And your mum?" "She's gonna stay at a hotel so we don't have to worry about that anymore either." I walk towards the sofa and drop myself in the middle of it. Niall quickly joins me. "God" I sigh as I bury my face in my hands. He puts his arm around me and pulls me to his chest. "It's gonna be alright. Harry'll be here soon and they'll shake off the paps too."

I look up at him and he's smiling at me. "I'm so sorry for putting you through this." It's very sweet of him to apologize but he shouldn't because this is his life and he can't help it. "Don't be, Niall. But I just have one question? Is your life always like all the time like this or..?" he sighs and after a few seconds he opens his mouth as if he wants to say something but he doesn't make a sound. "Did I say something wrong?" I'm starting to get worried. "No you didn't but..."

P.O.V. Niall

I sigh a few more times. "You know I really love the fame and everything and I love my fans but sometimes this life is just too much. I don't know how much longer I can live this life. Fame has its price and I'm not sure if I can keep paying it." A tear slides down my cheek. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be bothering you with this" "No Niall you need to get it off your chest, have you actually ever told anyone about this. About how you feel?" Have I? Have I actually ever told anyone about the problems I have with my life? Who could I've told it? Not my bandmates, my family neither. And all of my exes never listened to me. Who can I trust?

"No fuck, no I don't even know who I should've told it. I don't think I know anyone who I could've told it. I'm extremely embarrassed that I just told you that. I don't even know why I told you." I stand up from the sofa and walk off. "Niall? Why do you feel embarrassed? I think it's..." She gets cut off by my phone buzzing in my pocket. I stick my finger up and answer my call. "Yes harry?" "We're here mate, Paul's gonna hold back the paps, tell the girl to grab some clothes because I can assure you she's not gonna be home again this week." shit... this doesn't go as well as I thought. "Okay Harry."

P.O.V Louise

He gets off the phone and he looks stressed. "Louise I know this sounds awful but you gotta pack a bag for at least a week because you can't come be back here this week." Is he kidding me... "Niall please this can't be true." He runs his hand through his hair. "I'll help you pack." he grabs my hand and before I'm even well aware I'm upstairs packing my pink polka dotted suitcase. What's gonna happen?

"Niall I'm scared." "I know" I'm starting to tear up. "Hey, come here" I walk towards him. "Shhh it's gonna be okay." He says as he pulls me into a tight hug. We stay in this cuddly position for a few minutes and when he releases me he gives me a kiss on the forehead. "Now we really gotta hurry up or Harry'll lose his temper." I just chuckle

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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