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Vivianne's POV

Friday (game day)

I told the girls about me and Ethan, and they are happy for me, especially Lauren.

My parents came back home from visiting my sick uncle on Wednesday like my mom said. We've never really talk to each other but recently she's mentioned that I've changed in a good way.

She says I seem more happy.

Is it because of Ethan?


Anna picks me up first for carpool and let's just say this will be her last time driving carpool.

The bitch is a crazy driver!

Always swerving and switching lanes from left to right. She nearly killed me before we even had the chance to pick up Sunshine and Lauren!

So I volunteer to take Anna's carpool shifts from now on.

3rd period

Today's the day our project is due. I'm in charge of the project because I don't trust Ethan or Grayson to hold on to it.

We turn it in, and I know we'll make an "A".

"Here" Ethan hands me one of his jerseys.

"What's this for" I examine the jersey.

"For you to wear to the game tonight" he says in a duhh tone.

I groan.

"Don't worry, I washed it" he smiles.

"Hey, cheer for me too" Grayson pouts.

"No" I say sharply.

"Awe, come on. No one has ever cheered for me" he gives me puppy dog eyes.

"I won't cheer for you, but I'll have someone else do it" I think about Anna.

"Yay!" He throws his hands in the air.


"So, Anna. You're going to the game tonight right" I take out my sandwich.

"We all are" Anna looks my way.

"Yeah, so I kinda volunteered you to cheer for someone" I wait for her to respond.

"At the game?" Lauren buts in.

"No shit Sherlock" Sunshine rolls her eyes.

"You have to cheer for Grayson. You guys would be cute together" I smile.

"I won't cheer, but I'll hold up a sign. I'm not going to lose my voice" she grins.

I can tell she's happy, but she's trying to keep it together.


I have on Ethan's jersey, and Anna made Grayson a sign earlier after school.

Before the game starts, Ethan and Grayson run up to us.

"Hey" Ethan kisses me.

"Hey babe. Oh yeah, Grayson meet your personal cheerleader, Anna" I turn my direction towards Anna.

They begin talking to each other, and I can tell they are really hitting it off.

*pats myself on the back*

"I better get going. The games going to start" he wraps his hands around my torso.

"Good luck" I kiss his cheek before he leaves.

"Oh, by the way. You look hot in my jersey" he winks and walks away.

Ethan keeps scoring touchdowns, so we are in the lead. I would scream and clap for him, and he would always blow me a kiss after each touchdown.

Anna held her sign up sign for Grayson during the game. He will always look up at her and wave. They are too cute.

We end up winning the game again, and Ethan suggests we go celebrate at a pizza parlor.

Pizza Parlor

Sunshine is 7th wheeling. I'm with Ethan, Anna with Grayson, and Lauren with Chris.

I can't help but feel bad that she has to be 7th wheeling.

"So what does everyone want" Lauren asks us.

" Just order 4 pizza's and make them each different" Sunshine speaks up.

Lauren and Chris orders the pizza at the counter, and we look for a table for all of us.

We are all having a good time eating pizza when stank ass Sophia walks in with her little minions.

She glances at us and sees me and Ethan together. She gives me a dirty look.

The hell is that shit for.

I just ignore her bitch ass and continue to enjoy myself with my friends and boyfriend.

We say our goodbyes to each other, and Anna drives us girls back home.

"So I guess I'm just the single friend in the group now" Sunshine looks out the window.

"You'll find someone Sunshine. You just have to wait for the right one" Anna looks at her through the rear view mirror.

"It's fine, anyways, Vivianne you and Ethan are so cute" Sunshine whispers.

"I guess" I say nonchalant.

"Oh come on, the way he kept looking at you at the pizza parlor was to die for" Lauren turns around in her seat.

"You've changed. Like you're happy now. You've been smiling and laughing more" Anna turns the music off.

"Oh my gosh, my mom said the same thing to me too this morning" I seem puzzle by the sudden realization.

"Wow, your mom talked to you? That must mean you've been too damn happy, enough for her to notice you" Sunshine turns her head towards me.

Remember, we don't really talk to eachother.

"You guys, I think you're misinterpreting her happiness for something else" Lauren wiggles her eyebrows.

"VIVIANNE'S IN LOVE WITH ETHAN" they all scream together causing me to jump.

"What?!" I yell shocked.

"Vivianne and Ethan sitting in a tre-" Sunshine gets stopped mid sentence due to my elbow being dugged into her rib cage.

"Hey, no fighting in my car!" Anna yells at us.

"Don't be mad at us because you can't admit your love for Ethan. I mean what's wrong, it's clear that he's in love with you too" Lauren stammers.

"We've only been dating for less then a week guys, I'm not in love with him" I throw my arms in the air.

"Time doesn't define love Viv. I just ment Grayson today and I know I love him already" Anna makes a sharp right turn into my street .

"You're just too stubborn to admit your love" Sunshine crosses her arms.

"No I'm not" I protest.

"Bullshit" they say say in unison.

I get dropped off home and I can't help but think about our conversation in the car.

Am I in love with Ethan?
Noo, there's no way!
I've only known him for a week.

Ding Ding!

I get interrupted with talking to myself.

Ethan😋💕: Goodnight babygirl, sweet dreams❤

Me: Goodnight 😚

Author's Note :
Two more days left of spring break 😭


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