What just happened ?

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AHH i have 20 reads .

lol most reads yet !

--------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------

Jasmines pov

Ha i dont know where that curage came from but man his face was pricless .

I have my baby now <3

i automaticly took my phone out and took 5000000 pictures lol i edited some of them and put them on Instagram and Twitter and Tumblr .

every post with the caption ' Back with my Baby Girl <3 '

Afew million poeple liked the pictures and i knew justin had seen it cause everyone knew he had our child after the inccedent and everyone was talking abiout it on twitter and instagram .

then i got a text ;)

FROM: JUSTIN ;* i really needa change his collar I.D

we needa talk


oooooo you sound so mad. what did i do ? ohhh wait .... nevermind


please just meet me at the park in 30 minutes

i didnt respond i was in booty shorts and a white shirt so i changed into a quick outfit (http://www.polyvore.com/masterwork/set?id=95463974#fans) and made my way out the door i walked to the park since it wasnt that far away .

I saw him sitting there if your wondering where my child was ,well she with my friend at my house .

anywho i saw him sitting at the park bench and i made my way over i knew it was him cause no one wears a black hoodie o the park and keeps there head down.

i sat across from him 'what?' i sadi fastly and seroiously i startled him and he looked at me 'you look pretty' he responded . i blushed and i knew he saw that i was blushing i fake coughted 'what?' i repeated my self .

'Can i expain this all. Okay so they told me i had to kick you out i want you and i need you so does our child no matter where she is she needs both of us expesiouly witht he fact we are her parents ...

you know famous pop stars .' he said . 'Fine , but i stay in a difrent room from you this is all for her ' i said and got up while walking away i screamed 'get me at 5 my stuff will be ready by then.' and i went to pack up AGIAN!

-----------------------------MIND HITTING THE LIKE BUTTON?-------------------------------------------------------

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