Savage Seduction - Chapter Two

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Logan's phone buzzed the minute he stepped through his front door. Scratching Axel, his protective Doberman behind his ear as a hello, he fished his phone out of his pocket and answered immediately when he saw the name. "Ashbrook."

"Savage, I may have a job for you." Logan closed his eyes briefly as he fell onto his couch. He still felt the kinks in his neck from the plane he'd just stepped off only a few short hours ago. He swallowed the sigh that was building in his chest. He knew his brothers were either just starting a mission or coming off of one. They would all tell him he needed a break and echo his mother's sentiments, and as much as he wanted to agree with them, he couldn't. Logan was known for taking mission after mission and he preferred it that way. He knew if he didn't, his past would creep up to haunt him and he would rather ride the high of exhaustion than the alternative. He was known for his hard exterior and the cold block that sat in the middle of his chest. His sisters swore there was a smile inside of him somewhere, his brothers disagreed vehemently. He thought about that two days of sleep he was banking on before he answered, "Okay, what's up?"

"Ever heard of Zoe Alcott?"

"Nope, should I have?"

"She owns Harbor Press."

"Okay." Logan was never up on the who's who of celebrities, local or not, so when the name didn't register or the website she owned he ignored the surprise in Ashbrook's voice and waited for him to continue.

"She received a threat today. Came in the mail but it look's legit, I've sent it off to forensics for any prints. I have officers parked out front her place tonight, but it's not going to be enough going forward."

"What do you need me for?" Logan had slipped off his shoes and pushed himself up to grab a beer from the fridge, Axel following closely on his heels.

"I need you for security. For Ms. Alcott. I need someone I can trust and I need all my guys on this case to catch this bastard as soon as possible. She's a known name, especially in the community and the note she received gives even me the creeps. Because of her status I need all eyes open and all bases covered." Logan knew what he meant. Zoe Alcott was obviously an important name and it was a case, no matter how new, that he couldn't allow to fall through the cracks. One mistake, one moment of not taking whatever note she received seriously and it turned out to be just that, the entire thing would collapse on the good detectives unit and more directly onto his shoulders.

"Alright. Email me the details and I'll see you in the morning."

"Already sent and make it nine."

Logan took a long drink of the cold beer as he sat down, letting his head fall backward as he listened to the signifying click on the other end. He sat for a moment, enjoying the quiet as he pet Axel's head that rested on his thigh before reaching for his laptop. Firing up the computer he went through the files the Detective sent him. He jotted down Zoe Alcott's address into the GPS on his phone and briefly scanned her vague documented background. The last file was a picture. Logan was surprised at what he saw. She was pretty. Okay not just pretty, Zoe Alcott was damn sexy. Her long dark hair fell past her shoulders and her dark eyes sparkled along with her smile. He couldn't see her body in the picture but he could already tell it was one he would probably appreciate. It had obviously been taken for the newspaper, the dim coloring of the image along with the older man who was smiling down on her read the caption, Zoe Alcott, CEO Harbor Press with Jim Parkins, CEO LibreCafe. With one last long look at her picture, he shut down his computer and the instant urge of protection for the woman whose smile shot straight to a foreign place in his chest before he fell into bed for a fitful night's sleep.

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