(Chp. 2)

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Lewis' POV (KenzMe3)

 I can't believe Nilesy would do something so stupid! All of us worked so hard to get those things and what does he do? HE MAKES A MOAT OF CATS!

 "Nilesy! That was really really expensive!" Hannah yelled.

 "Uhh duh. How else would it get me all this fish?" Nilesy shrugged. Hannah put her face in her hands and Nilesy went back to condensing.

 "Nilesy!" I snap, grabbing the emerald sword he was about to throw in the condenser.

 "Hey! I needed that to feed Mr. Cat!" Nilesy exclaims.

 "Focus! Everyone is out looking for their stuff! We are all poor now! Just like when we started! Now we are going to have to tell the others our stuff was stolen, by a POOLMAN!" I explain. Hannah grabs her walkie-talkie and pushes the button.

 "Hey everyone, we found our stuff. Meet us at the Captive Creeper and we will explain everything," Hannah explained. Everyone agreed, and I looked at Nilesy.

 "Do you regret what you did?" I ask him. I find him not paying attention to me, but to 'Mr. Cat'.

 "Who's a good Mr. Cat? Who wants another yummy condensed fish? Good Mr. Cat!" he exclaims to the small cat looking up at him.

 "Let's just go," Hannah mumbles grabbing my hand and walking to The Captive Creeper. Nilesy follows whispering to his cat the whole way.

 Third Person POV

 Lewis, Hannah, Nilesy (and Mr. Cat), walked into The Captive Creeper. Their friends stared at them as they walked to the center of the room.

 "So," Hannah begins, "it seems our stuff has been condensed." Everyone gasps and listens for more information. "Nilesy here, took our stuff condensed it into fish and made a moat of cats. So now, we are all poor," she sighs. Nilesy smiles weakly. Sjin stands and marches up to Nilesy.

 "ARE YOU SERIOUS!! IT TOOK ME FOREVER TO GET THAT STUFF! YOU ARE GOING TO REGRET THIS! I MIGHT AS WELL JUST SNAP YOUR NECK HERE!" Sjin screams, hoping to scare Nilesy. Instead, Nilesy stays silent, lost in thought. Then, he smiles.

 "But Sjin, I am now technically the richest on the server. So technically, I am your ruler. Which means, you must listen to me. And if you want to have food to live, then I suggest you step away," Nilesy smirks.

 Everyone is silent, wondering how Nilesy figured that out...


Hey guys! KenzMe3 here! I wrote this chapter and it's really bad. Sorry. But yay! Fyi gonna update my story soon. Just school started again and everything!

 Be sure to wish BristolianLuvver a Happy late Birthday! She is an awesome friend/writer/narwhal/cookie/person/I'mrunningoutofthingstosay! She's just an overall amazing friend and person and you should go read her stories and follow her! I owe her a HUGE apology for not being on Skype or updating lately. I sowwy Emelia!!! She's my bestie and my THIRD FOLLOWER! The first 2 don't even count because they are my irl friends -_-... But ya, thank you Emelia for being an awesome friend and inspiration, and help, and everything else great combined rolled into one!!! Luv you!!!! (Non Creepo way!)

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