On the hot afternoon of the second month of school, sat three best friends on a table at the back of the lunch room, looking over the sea of students.

The first of the group was a tan-ish boy with brilliant blue eyes and hair that whisped to the side perfectly. Louis Tomlinson, was his name, he was the mischief of the group. Always getting into trouble.

Next, was a tall, and lanky boy with piercing green eyes, and a head full of chocolate curls, that he prefers his hair straightened and styled in a quiff - but his mother likes his hair natural, so he leaves it to please her. - He's the brains of the group, but also the youngest. His name is Harry - or Harold to his close friends and family- Styles.

The last, Niall Horan. He's a pale boy - extreamly pale, but the type of pale that looks good on some - bright, energetic blue eyes. And hair that went from nice brown roots to touchably soft blonde in seconds. His teeth - if you asked anyone behides him- were school boy cute. And his accent is to die for. He could have any of the girls that were falling at his feet, that is if he swung that way. Because Niall is gay. One of the biggest homosexuals you could meet. He could tell you what season your skin tone was in one glance, and he would tell you the truth about how you looked no matter how harsh his words were.

That's why the dare his friend had for him was right up his ally.

"Up for a dare Horan?" His curly haired companion asked.

"Always." He grinned in reply.

"It's a three part dare. Ready for this?" Harry double checked.

"Hit me." Niall smirked. He liked to think of himself as a dare-devil, not one of the one that do dangerous things - oh no, Niall wouldn't want to do anything dangerous, he could get dirty, covered in mud, and people might see. If he were capable of growing boobs, he'd be a 'Class A Barbie'.- he was a dare-devil in a sense of where he would do any dare, no matter the costs - Detention? No problem. Grounding? Piece of cake. Even pissing someone off was fine with him, because no one could really stay mad at him for long. He was a charming guy.

Harold looked out to the students and pointed at a small group of friends made up of; Liam Payne - big beautiful (can you describe a boy with 'beautiful'?) Brown eyes, a cute puppy dog face, hair that made a quiff - it was barley noticable, but it was there - and glasses. Big glasses, the type of glasses you'd see the dork wearing in movies - they even had that stupid piece of tape on the brim. He was a nerd in all cases, didn't have a weak point in him, but he wasn't bullied for it because, anyone who tried to pick a fight with him would regret itn he was a master in kick boxing. He could beat a guy blind if he wanted, but he only uses his powers for good. Only uses them to protect him and his friends.

Zayn Malik, head of the dance and drama department - much to Louis' dismay - with fluffy-floppy hair, cocca-black eyes, high cheek bones, and amazingly tanned skin - coming from his aribic/british family background - complete with thick rimmed ray ban glasses, that unlike Liam, suit him. He was a hipster in his eyes, but a theater geek in everyone elses.

And lastly, Ed Sheeran, he's the definition of 'looks can be deciving', both arms are covered in sleeve tattoos, he smokes and drinks - not unlike most of the student body - and a smile that can make you spill your darkest secrets to him, and he will use them against you if needed to. People who don't know Ed like to stay as far from him as possible, due to his punk-rock-asshole look, but in reality? He's as scary as a baby kitten, a teachers pet to most, and is student body president, along with a main member of the arts - drawing, and singing were his strong points, and he liked to make sure everybody knew.

Their group of friends was like the nerd herd of Best Buy.


"Your dare is to, one - give Liam Payne the 'geek to greek makeover'. Two - win Liam Paynes heart. And three - ditch him as soon as your finished." Harry told him. Louis laughed, gave Harry a high five, and told him he was brilliant.

Because he was, he was brilliant, he had given Niall a nearly impossible dare.

Even Niall was stumped as to how to make Liam look good - Niall! The designing goddess. The boy who could make an ugly toad look like a prince. - but, he was not one to back out of a dare, so he knew he had to accept. Which is what he did - "Deal." He said powerfully, as to convince his friends, as well as himself, that he could complete the dare. - But with one more glance at the Payne boy, he could see him and his friends goofing off, and Niall started doubting himself.

Maybe this dare is impossible.


End Notes: Okay, I know Harry doesn't like his hair straightened, but oh well, he does in this.

And, imagine Zayn has his hair like he did in Japan, because he was adorable there.

And, Niall has his teeth like during The X-Factor. Before braces. :)

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