CHAPTER 3 : A Box & Wilson Roth

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I wanted to see him, needed too, but I couldn't seem to convince myself that it would do any good. I felt good, great, better than the actually should. The name was burnt into my head. I was curious, but I wasn't sure where to start with finding out about this Wilson Roth, but I knew the first place would be the pack house, the very place I dreaded.

I stood up from the couch and walked around the couch up the stairs. I headed for the very room I was never to enter. It wasn't locked which wasn't surprising, it probably had a spell on it instead, but unfortunately for me, I was willing to take the risk. The door creaked open, swinging slowly to reveal the dark room my mother retired to ever so often.

I took a breath before stepping over the threshold. It was cold, goosebumps began to form over my bare arms as I looked around the dark and dreary place. Deciding not to waist time, I head for the drawers beside her bed. I look through, picking up the strange looking bones only to throw them aside with disgust. I found pictures of me as a child happy and smiling and chose to look through the next. I found nothing of use in any of the drawers by her bed or by the dressing mirror.

I head for her closet in hopes to find some type of useful source. I push her many shoes away and find a box. I pause before reaching out and grabbing it. I look down at the thing, it didn't have a lid or any sign of an opening. I hoisted the heavy thing into my arms, not bothering to put her room back to normal I left. Hopefully Ezra could help open it.


I pulled the truck to a stop in front of the pack house. I could feel him in there and it hurt my heart. I closed my eyes and counted to three as the doors slammed open and the father of my love stepped out with his nose flared and hands clenched. This was not going to be good. I steppes out slowly, trying to show that I mean no harm. He stepped down from the porch.

"You have some nerve coming here, boy. "He snarled at me and a shot of sadness went through me."After what you did to my boy," he growled, "you better be praying for your life."

"I didn't mean to...I'm sorry. "I said weakly and he growled taking a step forward before his wife grabbed him.

"Calm your hot headed Alpha ass down, Ragnor." The man continued to fix his black eyes on me and I stepped back and bowes my head in submission. He huffed loudly.

"I don't want you anywhere near my son, understand? "He barked out and I flinched while nodding obediently.

"Yes, sir." I whispered knowing he could hear me. I can't say I didn't see it coming. It's why I was so afraid to even come here in the first place. I averted my eyes, I hated how he was so mad at me, it almost made me want to cry, but I didn't, I wouldn't. He went back inside and his wife approached me. She gave me a sweet smile as her blue eyes seemed to shine with understanding.

"Are you okay? "She asked me softly and I nodded shakily with a lopsided smile.
"Yeah, I'm okay, Mrs. Roth." She narrowed her eyes.

"It's Lydia to you, Troye. "I chuckled softly.

"Right, Lydia..." I trailed off and stared at her. "I was wondering if you could tell me who is Wilson Roth." The smile on her face fell almost immediately. She blinked and looked around almost nervously.

"Where did you hear that name? "She asked holding onto my wrist gently and with not threat but concern. I blinked from her hand to her face.

"I-I didn't." Her brows furrowed.

"Explain. "She demanded.

"I was at home, by my self when I looked to the window it fogging up and a name was being written. I thought maybe it's where I should start, in well fixing what's wrong between William and I." I frowned as she blew out air and gave a nod.

"Come. "She said and I jumped to follow but paused to go back to the car to retrieve the box with a groan. She had stopped, watching me with a raised brow." And this is? "She asked as I neared her.

"I don't know, I was hoping Ezra could help me figure that out." She gave a nod and guided me inside. She told me to sit down and she'd be back. I set the heavy box down and wondered where Ezra was. The door opened again and I turned to see Cody who paused once his eyes fell onto me.

"Troye, "he said and his eyes found the box immediately and he made hia way over still pointing to it." What is that? "I shrugged.

"Where's Ezra? Hoping he can open it." Cody frowned and knelt in front of it, he lightly let his finger trail over the edge.

"What are you hoping is in it? "He asked turning to me.

"I'm hoping it has a clue to help me with William." I sighed sadly and he gave me a soft smile before rubbing my knee with his hand.

"This is who you are looking for. "Lydia said entering the room not even minding that Cody was there. She sat down beside me and handed me the photo.

I stared down at the man smiling widely at the camera, his eyes black and his hair too, he had strong cheek bones and dimples on each cheek. He was honestly very handsome.

"Wilson Roth, he died 18 or so years ago. There was a rogue attack and he had been out with his mate who was a caster, female. "Lydia explained with a sad look." He was a great man, smart and loving. He had been alpha at the time, he was ambushed along with his mate who tried her hardest to fight them off but there were just too many and she was getting weaker. At the last minute when he had been at the brink of death she teleported them away from the scene which she didn't really need to do since as soon as they saw him dying they were ready to retreat. "Lydia shook her head." I don't know what happened after that but it is the night I gave birth to William and there was a thunderstorm and not a normal one. "

"Did you ever find his body?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"We only scented his blood and rogues, we just assumed he was dead. "She furrowed our brows," at least, that is what she told us. "I looked up at her.

"Who?" Cody asked leaning to look at his mother, he had taken a seat beside me.

"The woman, I don't know her name, we hadn't even known he had found his mate, she had come crying to us about his death. "

"Could you describe her?" Lydia looked to be thinking about it and I stared at the picture of a man who could most possibly be my father while thinking about his tragic end.

"She was short around 5' and at the time her hair was really long, it was unusual right up to her hips and it was blonde and her eyes were so green, like yours Troye. "She said. Everything she had said almost matched my mother except for the hair and the height, unless she wasn't my mother and that thought alone had me utterly confused.

"So it's possible that he is still alive." I asked instead.

"Sure, but where would he be and for thia long? "Lydia said standing." We don't usually talk about him, Ragnor and his brother were really close and he had spiralled down into the worst hell after his death. "

"Wait, what? That would mean that you and I would be related if this guy is your dad." Cody said standing. "Wow, this is so messed up." I couldn't help but nod in agreement. "If it is though," he said softly, "would you still want my brother?" I lookes up at him.

"There is nothing that could ever make me not want him. "I told him honestly and Cody smiled happily before crouching down to hug me.

"I'm glad you think so," he sighed, "we will find a way. Don't worry."

I held him and hoped that they would, I clung to the bit of hope I still had for William and I because honestly, if we couldn't find anything, I would not want to go on any longer.

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