Chapter 4

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I ran outside to see if he was still there but he wasn't. I returned in the house and found Lys in tears. Hunter was the only member of her family still alive. Lys though that she will, surely, never see him again. I tried to comfort her and I left her alone.

After a while, she asked me to come and eat with her. I asked her some information about the virus. She said that the virus transformed humans into a wolf or a fox. The first human who caught the virus was transformed into a wolf. When someone has the virus, he stops to grow but doesn't die. He will live for a long time but is not immortal. In fact, the oldest humans transformed into a fox or a wolf are still alive.

She also said that the foxes are kind and you can ask them to help you if you have a problem but you have to be careful not to catch the virus. They live in a city hidden into a tree. There, they are protected from the wolves because it is almost impossible to find the tree. The oldest fox of the city and the wisest is the king. He is fair and leads the city in peace. In this city, all foxes are equal.

Wolves move into the night and they all lived in a cave underground, Lys said. There is no light in the cave because they are allergic to sunlight. The queen of the wolves is called Accalia. Nobody knew her real name. She is one of the oldest wolves and was one of the first victims of the virus. She became queen because she was the strongest and she had a white fur. Only the wolves of the royal line had this fur. Accalia is not nice. She asked her guards to capture a human or a fox every night to become slaves. If the slaves did not work well, she ate them alive. When I heard this, I had a chill throughout my body. I didn't want to meet her!

I thought that humans becoming tigers are very lucky and that I have a birthmark like the boy in the legend. Could I be the boy of the legend? I didn't think so...


A month later, Lys had taught me how to hunt, to survive into a forest and which plant was not dangerous to human's health. Afterward, I was pretty good at hunting. She was a very good teacher. She always knew what to do and if I had a question she was patient when she answered me.
One day, Lys asked me to go hunting to find the supper. I was walking into the wood when I heard a sound. I hid behind a bush. A boy was there. He seemed hurt and he walked with difficulty. I came close to him, paying attention that he did not notice that I was there. I saw his face. Wait ... I knew this face. The boy was...

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