Do you know that you actually have a purpose in life?
Sometimes we feel as if we're existing, but not living.
We're not achieving anything or working for any real goal.
What if I tell you that you were put in this world for a purpose, as a test or more like a preparation?
To actually prepare for our real lives, a life of eternity.
Whether this life of eternity is going to be a good one or a bad one, the choice is entirely yours!
Since any intelligent person will choose a day in prison and a year of freedom over a day of freedom and a year of prison.
In this temporary world there are a few laws to adhere to, a certain way of life to live. In order for our eternal lives to be a bliss, or in other words- In order to attain heaven. We all might not be aware of this way of life but I can promise you that it is breathtakingly beautiful, the only real one and a way of life that we all deserve to live.
The first and most important ingredient, something that makes all our good actions worthwhile and basically our ticket to heaven, is FAITH.
Ask yourself a few questions! How did the world come into existence? Big bang? Nah, a bang or an explosion is actually a reaction to something else, so even if the "big bang" did occur, there was something in existence before it.
How does everything run so 'smooth'? If this year on the 3rdof November the sun rose at 5:06. Next year on the 3rd of November it will rise at the same time. Does there not have to be an invisible force controlling all of this?
How does the sky not fall? How is it that the only inhabited planet is positioned so perfectly away from the sun, so that we do not burn to ash nor freeze over?
How is it that if a buck eats a mulberry leaf it will produce musk, a goat will eat off the same tree but produce milk, a silkworm silk etc.
Do you not thing that the 'being' behind all of this is really a great being? So great that words and writings will not do justice to his greatness and bounties, even if all the seas of the world were used as ink.
Is this not the only deity worthy of worship?
Does it not make sense to worship the creator of fire or stone rather than fire or stone?
Does it not make sense to worship the creator of man rather than man?
After we recognize this being – Allah. We now shun every other deity except him. Believing firmly in our hearts and proclaiming with our tongues "Laa ilaha Illal lah" which means: There is no deity worthy of being worshiped except Allah.
Together with that we say "Muhammadur Rasoolullah" which means: Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah (God).
Who is Muhammad (peace be upon him)?
The best of all humans, who god has sent to teach us how to lead this 'way of life', how to recognize him and How to achieve our heavenly goal.
He led his life as a practical example, and also left us the Qur'an which is our holy book that is the word of God almighty. It contains laws that were relevant in the past and relevant up to this day. It also contains incidents of past nations in order for us to take lesson. It is beautiful, comprehensive, eloquent and memorized by trillions of people around the world.
The life and words of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was recorded for us by his blessed companions (May god be pleased with them).
From his life we learn this beautiful religion called Islam.
Islam teaches us how to lead our life. Every minute detail. Be it how to eat, how to relieve yourself, the fact that we need to treat orphans and widows and even animals with kindness. To good to those who do bad to you,
There are many incidents where people entered the fold of Islam on seeing the beautiful character of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions.
Islam teaches us how to deal with our spouses, how to do trade, how to lead with justice and everything that we can think of.
Obviously a little writing can never cover an entire religion. My aim is to make people aware of what is Islam? For people searching for a purpose, searching for the truth, here is an answer for you. I suggest you go more deep into it, do some research, I guarantee that you will be left mesmerised, entranced and if god wills, guided into it.