Chapter 5

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A week later, our Z-fighters walked to the arena, orange wristbands with the symbol on Goku's gi on the front of them on their wrists. Piccolo had a forlorn look on his face, making Krillin very suspicious. The far-away look is usually a sign that the Namekian is hiding something. ChiChi looks around as she grasps her husband's hand, wondering where our young Videl is.

"Hey, guys." They all turn around to see a sheepish-looking Videl. She gives them all a small grin, messing with the same wristband they all have on her own wrist

"Hey, Videl," Goten says as he runs up and hugs her as tightly as he can.

She embraces the young Saiyan, knowing she wouldn't be the slightest bit prepared if he and Goku hadn't helped her.

"You ready?" Goku asks her gently. Everyone can see through her falsely-confident shrug. They all know she'd feel a whole lot safer if she didn't have to go or at least had Gohan there.

"Ready as I'll ever be," she sighs as they head for the training platform. There, they see Hercule's ship waiting for them. The driver nods at Videl as they all climb in, listening to the anouncer yell excitedly into his microphone. However, Videl can hardly hear him over the pounding of her heart in her chest. Scared just isn't the word to cover how she's feeling; horrified is even looking weak. She feels as if she could pass her lunch at any moment. Everyone notices this. Although she hides it well, they know she would prefer to stay home. Everyone fears for her life as the ship takes off. Videl tenses at the shaky takeoff, feeling as if her heart will burst right out of her chest. She looks up at Android 18 as she places a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"You'll be alright," the android promises and Videl nods. "Our main priority is to protect you. We'll be alright. Can't always be tough as stone, right?"

Videl lets out a small laugh as she nods again. She had been trying to stay tough for as long as she can remember for her dad's sake. But here with this big family, she actually feels safe to be herself and let her guard down. ChiChi has been like a mother to her since she and Gohan started dating after Majin Buu attacked. Now, two years later, she's closer than ever to them all and now thinks of them as a family of her own. Memories of babysitting with Gohan, playing with Goten and Trunks, training with the Z-warriors, and girls' days with the women and Marron flood her mind and bring a small smile to her lips. Her father figure gives her a questioning glance and the only thing she can really think to say is two words, "Thank you."

"For what?" Goku questions and everyone turns to her.

"For everything you've ever done for me. My mother died when I was very young and my father spends all of his time training and fighting... you're the only real family I've ever had... You all stick together and have stuck by me no matter what. Thank you... all of you..."

Everyone looks to eachother with a small smile on their faces at her words. To everyone's surprise, Vegeta goes and sits by her, throwing an arm over her shoulders.

"Videl, you've been like a daughter to all of us adults and a sister to our children since you arrived with Gohan. You will always be considered a part of our family." He looks away from Videl to glance at the large group around him, each face holding a shocked expression. He can slightly see Trunks filming this interraction, but he really doesn't care. "Everyone here accepted me into this family after I decided to be one of the heros instead of the villan. Yes, I will always want to beat Kakarot, but that's my pride needing a senzu. He's become like a brother to me over the years. This group became my family and my entire world, with my wife and son sitting on top. When I thought my world couldn't fit anyone else anymore, you appeared and found your way into everyone's hearts." He looks back to her to see tears welling in her eyes. "You will always be our family, as well as a daughter and sister to us all. I want to thank you for coming into our lives and staying. I'm sure that goes for everyone."

Everyone can only look at him in shock. They knew that Vegeta had taken a liking to Videl from the start because of her stubbornness and pride, but no one had ever imagined he'd grow to think of her as a daughter. A single tear slides down Videl's cheek as she nods, muttering a quick apology for "being weak" or whatever.

"Thank you, Vegeta. You don't understand how much that means," Videl says. Vegeta just smirks and nods. Trunks turns off his camera and walks up to his father with a small smile. Not his usual sly smirk, an actual smile.

"So, me and Mom are the top of your world" he asks, the smallest bit of hope able to be heard in his voice.

Vegeta smirks and his son sits by him. Vegeta throws his free arm around his shoulders as well. "Every planet needs a queen and a prince, son. I just so happened to get the best in the galaxy... along with a few jesters and pesants, but I can appreciate them. Then there's a duke, who finally found a dutchess," he says, guesturing to Videl.

Everyone chuckles at his analogy, knowing exactly who he means with each word.

"She's a pretty awesome dutchess then," Trunks says, smiles appearing on their faces.

"And you're a pretty awesome prince." Videl can feel a warm sensation in her chest, feeling truly happy for the first time in a long time. She truly loves this family as her own, and is willing to do anything to keep them alive.

It's then that they notice that the ship has landed, and the door is about to be pulled of the hinges. Our young heroine gets up and goes to the window, a hand flying up to cover her mouth. That hand soon turns into a fist as she remembers the last time she had seen this man outside of the ship. The fear is replaced with anger and she turns back to the group.

"It's Broly."

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