Chapter 9

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The Z-warriors sat in the waiting room of the giant hospital, worry growing with every passing second. Vegeta stood in a corner with his arms crossed over his chest, head to the side so that no one would notice the slightly worried look in his eyes. Trunks stood next to his father, trying his best to imitate his actions. Goten sat by Goku in the well-cushioned chairs, worry plastered on both faces. 18 stood by Krillin, both with a straight face. Gohan was a wreck, his eyes enveloped with a worried, almost crazed look and already developing bags. He desperately couldn't sit still, or even at all. He paced back and forth, arms either crossed over his chest or flailing in expression as he talked to (or rather yelled at) Piccolo, who was trying to calm his old student down at least slightly.

"Gohan, you need to calm down. Videl has always pulled through before. Why wouldn't she now?"

"Because, Piccolo, she's hurt worse than ever now! Did you not see that her stomach was almost completely broken through?! Her skull was crushed! I'll be surprised if it's not completely shattered! She's dying in there, Piccolo!"

They were cut off by a male behind them clearing his throat. They turned to look at the doctor, more worry (if that's even possible) glossing over Gohan's eyes.

"Videl Satan?"

Gohan slowly walked over and the doctor smiled slightly. "I'm going to guess you're the husband."

Our young Saiyan paused, unsure of how to respond. He found his voice after a little while. "Soon to be. Hopefully."

The doctor nodded slightly and looked down at his clipboard, his long brown hair falling over his blue eyes. "She's completely stable. She'll be perfectly fine."

There were audible sighs of relief from everyone sitting in the room.

Gohan fell onto a chair by Goten with his head in his hands as a small smile found its way to his lips. Suddenly, the doors to the hospital slammed open with a very excited but worried ChiChi standing in the middle. Her features automatically softened as she sensed and saw the relief flooding the room.

"So she'll be okay?" the raven-haired ex-warrior asked. Everyone nodded, Gohan's smile widening just a bit. He really didn't think he could be any more relieved. He was still worried, of course, but now he knew that the love of his life was going to live. She was going to be okay.

ChiChi looked over at her oldest son and gasped, her eyes watering and a hand flying over her mouth. She cautiously took a step closer, Gohan standing and doing the same. "Gohan? Is that really you?"

He smiled wider at seeing his mother, one of the few constants in his life. "Yes, mom. It's me."

That was it for her. She started sobbing and threw herself into her son's arms, the youngest and oldest Sons going over to join in the moment. Goku put a hand on his son's shoulder and an arm around his wife's waist while Goten hugged his brother and mother tightly. A smile was on all faces in the room, all savoring the beautiful moment. Gohan then pulled back and looked over to the doctor who was still standing in the same spot, patiently waiting with a small smile.

"Can... can we go see her?"

The doctor hesitated and took a deep breath, causing every face to yet again show concern and worry. "Yes... but I hadn't finished. She's in a coma. She'll wake up, of course, but we wound up having to bring her into a quick surgery. Her skull... it had broken quite a bit. It's fixed now but a piece almost lodged itself into her brain. She got extremely lucky."

Just like that, all joy was sucked out of the room. Silence fell over the room and all Gohan could do was nod. The doctor then led them to her room, her father sitting in one of the chairs on the  right side her bed. 'She looks so peaceful,' Gohan thought. 'Almost as if she's just sleeping... as if i could just whisper and she wake...' The young saiyan felt his body begin to shake, a knot forming in his throat. He grabbed a chair from the left side of the room and pulled it up right by her, sitting down and gently placing his hand over hers. "I'm here, love," he whispered, his throat tightening further. "I'm here..." He could hear his mother softly call his name, but he couldn't seem to respond to her. His tear-filled eyes remained on his fiancee, his warm hand over her cold one, the faint sound of beeping ringing through his head. He fully grabbed her hand with both of his, letting his head fall onto them as the first tear rolled down his cheek. He felt sobs begin to shake his already trembling body as guilt took over him. 'I'm sorry,' he thought repeatedly. That is, until her hand squeezed his.

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