The job offer

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It had been 8 years that Dipper had come to Gravity Falls in the Summer, and this year Dipper was looking forward to staying permanently, he was now 20, and grunkle Stan had left the Mystery Shack to him, and Mabel while he lived in Hawaii, plenty of people to scam he said, while Mabel ran the Mystery Shack, Dipper realized that if they didn't want to live in poverty then he would have to get a job.

So with that Dipper applied for multiple jobs around the Falls, though he absolutely refused to be a burger flipper. He applied for any and all unusual jobs, but there weren't many. So Dipper started to ask around town, see if there were any interesting jobs, but so far he was coming up with nothing. Giving a resigned sigh Dipper entered Greasy's, smiling slightly, when Lazy Susan brought out his usual.

Noticing his off put look Susan decided to question him. "What's the matta Dippa?" She said, with her usual slang. "Oh nothing sue, I'm just looking for a job, I just want an interesting job" Dipper said, sighing, and hanging his head "well I mightta heard somethin" Lazy Susan said, with a shiver "really?!" Dipper asked mood instantly brightened.

"Yes..." Susan said hesitatingly. "But I'll warn ya Dippa, this job is dangerous" she said, with a serious look. "I'll be careful what is it?" He asked. "There's an insane asylum outsida town, holds all the crazies from da falls, and onward, it holds one of the most dangerous villains" She said, shivering, "yes?" Dipper asked, practically salivating at the thought of Danger, and adrenaline.

"His name is Cipher" she said, quivering slightly. "Some see em as a dark angel, an avengin spirit, because he kills not so innocent people" she said, "but people with powa see em as a menace, and locked him up in da asylum" she said, "woah, and they have job offerings there?" Dipper asked. "Yea it's only for a nurse, all they do is take notes for da docta, but you'll get ta see the patients, without them seeing you" she said.

"Huh?" Dipper asked confused. "Oh ya know behind that glass, that only goes one way" she added. "Oh yeah I know what your talking about, that job sounds amazing, I'll go get an application today" Dipper shouted, excitedly. "Dippa please be careful, it's so dangerous!" Susan shouted, worry in her eye. "I will!" Dipper said, "so where is the asylum" Dipper asked, "20 miles west you'll see it." Susan said.

"Thanks bye!" Dipper shouted, running out of the restaurant, and clambering on to his motorcycle, (A/N~ I can't help it I love the thought of Dipper owning a bike) he sped off towards the asylum. After awhile of driving, Dipper saw a large old white building. Glancing at the sign in the over grown grass, Dipper read 'insa-e asyl-m' frowning at the fallen off, and faded letters, Dipper pulled into the parking lot, noticing very few cars.

As he parked his bike, Dipper slung his thigh over his bike, wincing when his jeans caught on the metal of the bike, not noticing that the metal had ripped through the seam of his jeans, and his skin a few drops of ruby liquid, spilling free from the crevice of his cut. Walking into the asylum, Dipper noticed a bored looking secretary at the front desk, her eyes brightening, as she laid her eyes on Dipper, eyeing him up and down. 'Sorry lady' Dipper thought, 'but I am as straight as a circle' he thought chuckling.

"Hi, I was looking for a nursing application" Dipper said kindly. "Oh gosh yes, finally someone to work with" the secretary shouted, scrambling to get the papers. "I'm Amber by the way" she said, reaching out her hand, and shaking his. "My names Dipper, nice to meet you Amber" handing Dipper the papers. Dipper skimmed them, before turning back to the woman.

"So any tips about the job?" Dipper asked her. "Oh yea stay away from Tom, and Smith" she said, shooting her a curious look Amber continued "Tom is a patient, he goes after anyone who has any blood on em, you don't have any cuts on you do you? Because he's actually due to come through here soon" she asked, "not that I know of" Dipper said, slightly concerned.

"So who's Smith?" Dipper asked, "he's a worker here, security actually, if you ask me he belongs in a cell" she said shivering, "I'm lucky I'm a chick, because he practically molests the guys" she said, disgusted. Before she could say anything else, a loud buzz was heard, and before they could react a tall man with brown hair, and blue eyes, clad in a straight jacket walked into the room.

His eyes locking with Dipper he sniffed, "blood" he said licking his lips. Lunging at Dipper, but before he could get there a tall muscled chest stopped him. Glancing up at the man that stepped in front of him, Dipper realized he was also a patient, looking him over Dipper took in his appearance, he was a tall blonde man with an eye patch, over his right eye. "Cipher" Dipper whispered in awe, what he had done his homework. Cipher was truly amazing.

Turning to look over his shoulder, Cipher shot Dipper a smirk, before turning back, and growling at the patient who tried to attack him. "He's mine Tom" he said darkly. Nodding Tom ran back to the cell he came from. Turning to him Cipher smiled at him, "and you are?" Cipher asked lowly "D-Dipper Pines" he stuttered, "well hiya pine tree, you can call me Bill!" He shouted a slightly crazed look, in his golden eye.

"Hi Bill" Dipper said, more confidently. "You gonna work here pine tree?" Bill asked, "yea maybe" Dipper said, not turning away from the man. "Good see you soon!" Bill said, sauntering away. "Woah" Amber said in shock, when the man was gone. "What?" Dipper questioned. "The last person who called him Bill, nearly got there throat torn out, be careful with him Dipper" Amber said concerned. "I will" Dipper said.

And when Dipper went home that night, he stared at the application, until Mabel was done at the Shack. "Hey Dipping sauce, whatcha got there" she asked. "It's an application I might be working at an insane asylum" Dipper said casually. "Ohhh no, uh uh, you'll get killed" Mabel yelled, flailing her arms. "No I think I'll be just fine" Dipper said, recounting the tale of Bill, and his liking towards Dipper.

At the end of the night Mabel had finally calmed down. "Alright bro, if you really want to do this then have at it, but please be careful" Mabel begged. "Alright I will, Dipper said, and when he turned in his application, Mabel was still scowling, though Dipper could see the worry in her eyes, while Dipper smiled in excitement, and a week later, when Dipper was informed he got the job, he kept smiling.

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