Getting to know the psycho

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9:00 am

   It had been a week since Dipper had turned in the application for the insane asylum, and he still hadn't heard if he got the job or not. Pouring himself some milk for his cereal, Dipper reached for his phone about to text Mabel, and see when she was coming back from her friends house. Jumping in shock when his phone started to ring, he quickly answered it. "Hello" he asked, hesitantly. "Hello this is Dipper Pines correct?" a man said. "Yes?" Dipper said, coming out more like a question then a statement. "My name is John Hall, I am the director for the asylum. I went through your application, and you seem like a good candidate can you come in today say 2:00pm for an interview?"

   Realizing he was still pouring milk everywhere Dipper cursed in his mind, before stuttering a reply "y-yes! of course!" He shouted into the phone excited about this chance. "Great I will see you then goodbye" John said. "Goodbye!" Dipper said, getting into a rather chipper mood. Quickly texting Mabel about what happened, Dipper jumped in the shower, and quickly dressing hopping on his motorcycle. He arrived at the asylum 5 minutes early. Walking inside the building, Dipper straightened his tie, noting the secretary from earlier at the desk, giving him a once over in his suit, and fluttering her eyelashes at him.

  Blushing Dipper got himself under control, "Hey uhm- Where is John's office?" He questioned. "Oh its down the left hallway take a right and its the second door down." She answered him. "Thanks!" Dipper said, quickly following her instructions, to save himself the embarrassment. When he reached the office before he could touch the door knob, the old withered door opened on it's own accord. "ah hello Dipper I presume?" Recognizing John's voice Dipper took in his appearance. The man had dark skin, and a bald head goggles resting above his eyes, John was also slightly taller than Dipper, though, 'not as tall as Bill' he silently thought blushing, at bringing the man back into his train of thought. John was also wearing a pristine white lab coat, with splotches of suspiciously red liquids.

  John noticing where Dipper's gaze was quickly reassured him "ah don't worry about that, red jello for lunch I'm afraid I was a bit messy" John said smoothly. Dipper wasn't easily fooled though, "Oh really? Jello that is not squishy, but a liquid? Jello that smells a lot like blood? Jello that on your lab coat is painted in spatters?" Dipper asked, narrowing his eyes, he'd have to watch out for this John character. "Ah quick-witted just what I want, your hired" John said, extending a hand inside a glove. "W-What?!" Dipper spluttered.  "I like you smarts kid, half of the people here don't even come close to brains like yours, this is the blood of a patient who unfortunately got violent, hes not dead I assure you, but the job is yours if you want it." John said, quickly thinking Dipper made his decision. "When do I start" he asked, as John chuckled, "I like your spunk kid, is tomorrow alright? Your hours daily will be nine to six" John asked. "That's fine" Dipper affirmed. "Well then see you tomorrow."

  As Dipper waved goodbye to the mysterious director, he started down the hallway intending to leave when suddenly, someone grabbed him dragging him into a dark corner. Letting his instincts kick in he slowed his panicked mind, as everything started to slow Dipper analyzed his captor, 'tall' he thought. 'I can use that to my advantage.' Whipping around, he slammed his fist into whoever was holding him. "Ah kid Jesus! I'm not gonna hurt you, just a warning" He knew that voice wait.. Bill?! "Bill?" He whispered. "Got it in one go Pine Tree, who did ya think I was?" Bill taunted, "Never mind that! what do you want?!" Dipper asked.

  Quickly turning serious, Bill turned to Dipper, and suddenly Dipper became all to aware of the compromising position they were in, Bill was towering over him, knee wedged in between his legs, and his face was mere inches away from his. "The director, he's fishy watch your back, kid it wouldn't surprise me if he made you into a science project." Bill said, worryingly checking over Dipper's person for any type of injury, in the dim light of the corridor. "I'll be fine" Dipper reassured him. "Good be careful kid I'll see you soon" Bill said, fading into the shadows. 

  Blushing Dipper quickly regained his cool, walking out of the dark corridor Dipper once again started to leave, when he was pulled away again, this time not hitting his culprit. Dipper sighed in annoyance "Really Bi--" Quickly cutting off his sentence, Dipper realized the man holding him was in fact not. Dipper started to struggle the man spoke "Aww don't struggle little cutie" he said nuzzling into Dipper's unruly locks. "W-Who are you?!" Dipper questioned frantically. "Calm down little lover the name is Smith" The man said 'Smith? as in security? Why was he-' Dipper's thoughts cut off as a hand started to trail down unbuttoning his dress pants. Struggling anew Dipper's mind was frantic.

  'No one will help me here! Smith is stronger than me! Who will help me?!' Dipper's thoughts halted as Smith's hand started to delve into his pants, playing with the seam of his underwear, and with that Dipper screamed out the name of the only person who could help him. "BILL!" he screamed. Smith paused at the little brunettes outburst "Bill?" he questioned. "Yes me" a menacing voice said, turning to a dark corridor both Smith, and Dipper swore they saw red eyes, as Bill prowled out of the shadows. "Ah Bill Cipher what a surprise!" Smith said cockily.

  "I'm sure it is slut I mean Smith" Bill giggled, eyes lighting up in an insane light. "Fuck you Cipher this little cutie is mine" Smith said loosing his cool. "Oh really asshole? You don't even know the kid's name let alone if he likes you" Bill said, growling. "You think I care? All I care about is there's new meat at this shitty place, and he is mine!" Smith yelled. Whipping around Smith, slammed Dipper against the wall and locked lips with him. Dipper staring in shock a moment, bit down on Smith's lips. Screaming in rage, Smith smacked Dipper, "What the fuck! You bitch!" 'Ughhhh he tasted like alcohol and regret' Dipper thought, rubbing his sore cheek.

  When suddenly a feral growl sprouted from Bill's lips, as he grabbed Smith slamming him on the wall, "Don't you ever touch him again!" Bill screamed, grabbing Smith's shoulder, and popping it out of place. Smith screamed in pain, "Do you understand!" Bill yelled, smirking in satisfaction when Smith silently nodded. "Good, oh and tell anybody that I hurt your shoulder, and I kill you, blame it on Tom or something" Shakily nodding, Smith scampered away. Glancing down at his Pine Tree he took in his appearance. Dipper's clothes were disheveled, his tie loosened, and his pants unbuttoned hanging low on his hips, giving a little show of the navy blue boxers.

  Standing up Dipper brushed himself off, feeling his lips stinging. Dipper dabbed his finger over the spot noticing the blood. "Smith's nails must have caught my lip when he slapped me' Dipper mused. Noticing his pants were still unbuttoned, Dipper blushed bringing a hand up to button them. 'Gosh I probably look like a whore right now' Dipper thought, grabbing his pants, shocked when a tan hand slapped his hand away. Glancing up at Bill who was staring at his hips, Dipper blushed, then coughed "Uh, Bill" Dipper asked questioningly. Bill looked up, and caught eye of his Pine Tree taking in his flushed face, seeing a bit of arousal in the males beautiful brown eyes, and that's when Bill's patience snapped.

  Slamming Dipper against the wall, Bill captured his Pine Tree's hands pining them above his head. Dipper stared at Bill intently waiting for the blonde to make his move, when quicker than the eye could see Bill slammed his lips to Dipper's shoving a knee in between the shorter males legs. After the prompting from the blonde, Dipper wrapped his legs around Bill's waist, 'Oh god what am I doing?! he's a patient he's probably insane!' Dipper thought. However his mind stopped working when the taller male grind against him moaning, Dipper for a moment forgot how to breath as Bill used his tongue to delve into the small cut from Smith. Bill pulled back with reluctance, Instead attacking his Pine Tree's neck. In between breaths Dipper could make out the blondes words "YOU" kiss "ARE" suck "MINE" bite. "Y-Yours" Dipper agreed.

  Pulling back Bill Dropped Dipper to the ground kissing him again. "I've gotta go, security is probably looking for me see you tomorrow Pine Tree" Bill smirked, sauntering away. Dipper Blushed rearranging his clothes and walking away. Jumping on his motorcycle, Dipper's thoughts swam 'What am I doing' he thought parking his bike when he reached the Mystery Shack. Walking through the door, he didn't notice Mabel sitting at the table, until his sister screeched. "IS THAT A HICKEY?!?"

'Oh Fuck'

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