Chapter Ten: Salty Water

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Chapter Ten: Salty Water

Niall’s P.O.V

Tears. Endless. Salty. Tears.

They ran down either side of my face, sliding down my pale cheeks and landing somewhere on the collar of my shirt as I cried. I was not sobbing, and neither was I swearing or muttering broken words and half-empty sentences under my breath. No, nothing as overly dramatic such as that. My lips were still. As was my heart.

I suppose it was odd, the way that I was just sitting there. Sitting there with my dishevelled blond head resting against my knees, arms wrapped around my own small frame, looking pitiful. Somehow completely soundless; even as an army of water poured from my reddened eyes. Perhaps the oddest thing though, was that I kept an entirely plain expression. Entirely unreadable, even despite the fact that I felt so broken on the inside. So defeated..

Liam knew. And he hated me. I’d honestly thought that there was no worse situation than the one that I was in now, but somehow I had been wrong. It wasn’t only that; not just Liam. It was that everything was over now. It was that he would surely refuse to participate in One Direction with me being in it, that both my career and several of the closest friendships that I’d ever had would be ending. That it was all just.. done.

But most of all..

It was that look. The look that he had given me. The one that said everything without a single uttered sound…

Liam was scared of me. Apparently I wasn’t just a freak of nature; I was one to be feared too. And I just couldn’t take it. I couldn’t handle it. Being feared. That just wasn’t me, or at least, I had never wanted it to be.

I blinked uselessly as the tears thickened and I struggled to see anything past that blurry mess. My eyes wouldn’t focus on anything and I found no point regardless in trying to make them. And as my eyes continued to blur, my thoughts acted the same. I was caught inside a mess of salty water and pain. Caught; with no way to escape.

This was worse than anything.

Harry’s P.O.V

 “Liam!” Louis demanded, stalking across the room and towards the Wolverhampton boy situated on the couch. My eyes flickered between those two boys and the hallway through which another had just run down. What had happened? What was wrong? Why was Niall in tears..? What had Liam done?

It seemed that I wouldn’t have to wonder for long, as within the half-seconds that passed while my mind reeled, Louis had reached his destination and was pulling a shocked Liam to his feet fairly roughly. I honestly had no idea if the action was meant to be aggressive or whether it was just Louis concerned and wanting answers, but when the Doncaster boy opened his mouth to talk, I realised that it was all of the above.

“Liam, what happened?” Louis demanded; both slight anger and concern mixing together in his tone. Liam’s simple response was to turn to the direction in which Niall had fled, eyes wide as saucers and expression lost and broken. If I was honest, he looked torn between going after our Irish friend and running off himself. And despite the fact that it wasn’t meant to, the action reminded me that even though Niall very clearly wanted to get away from Liam, as displayed by his earlier storm out, that didn’t mean that he didn’t want to see anyone else. Who knows what state he would be in by this point? He needed someone, and that someone may as well be me.

With nothing more than a glance towards Louis and the lost looking Liam, I turned and ran down the hall after my blond friend. Louis was just going to have to handle Liam on his own this time.

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