5 Mabel!

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Two week later
Its been a week and I still haven't been able to control my powers. Its frustrating! I tried everything I could think of. Every now and then I had close calls when my powers activated randomly. Lying has become easier for some reason. I still have not written in the journal since I can not decide what to write on it yet since Ford has already done two new journals about his research on paranormal stuff. I wanted to research my own things. I wondered what had happen with that Crane guy. He has not shown up for two weeks and I am glad he hadn't. Then my dreams. I always had that same dream about the blue flames every night but this time Bill has joined the dream and not just as a voice. In my dream he is holding my arm as if we were making a deal.

 Yet there where those other nights when I had a other really bad nightmares of fire, destruction, and blood on my hands. I rarely had normal dreams anymore. I started losing my appetite as well. Sure I ate three times a day but I never felt full or hungry. Then just yesterday I got a paper cut and about thirty seconds later I was all healed up. To sum all of this up, this two weeks have been stressful. There were a few days that were actually good like when we went to see that movie and I sat next to Paz. I don't know but I think I might have a crush on her? I don't know. I also don't have any idea on how I made it through that movie without my powers getting so out of control like normally. Then there were those two days when me and Mabel went to see our forest friends. Multi bear was so happy to see me and all we talked about was Baba (disco girl). Aside from that, stressful two weeks.

I am currently laying on my bed starring at the ceiling. It is eleven in the afternoon and I am bored out of my mind. One of my eyes is the bill eye while the other was normal. I had my hand over it. Mabel suddenly burst in the room, right when I felt my eye turn back to normal, with one hand behind her back. Lucky me. "Dipper guess what!!" She screeched as she shook me violently with one hand. "What?" I asked as she stopped. She showed me what she had behind her back. It was one of Fords new journals. "You got one of his journals?! I thought he didn't want anyone to touch them since last time Bill burned the last three." I said as I took the book out of her hand. "Yup. I just asked if you could read it since you seemed so bored. And I wanted to ask you, do you want to go mystery hunting like last summer?! I checked and there are some new monsters in there." She said. I opened the journal. Some monsters facts where the same but there was some new stuff that Ford never put in the old journals. I closed it and looked back at Mabel who had a fist facing me. "Mystery twins again?" I smiled and fist bumped her. "Mystery twins again." I put the journal in a small back pack since I had my blue journal in my vest. We ran down the stairs and yelled a see ya later to both grunkles. We ran into the woods and once a good distance away I took out the journal and began looking for anything we could look for. "How about we look for the winged wolf. It says its feathers are so soft that putting one in your pillow will give you good dreams." I read aloud. Mabel nodded eagerly. "Yes. And we can see if it drops a feather." She said. I nodded and read on. "They stay in the forest and don't use their wings unless they have too. They are good at hiding and don't like to be seen. They attack only if they think they will get hurt or for food." Guess its gonna take a while to find one. I class used the journal and put it back in the bag. "Well better get started." I said as we started to walk around the forest.

We were silent for a while till Mabel broke the silence with a joke and got me laughing. We started telling each other jokes and every time I made a joke Mabel said they where nerdy. My jokes are not nerdy. Are they? Anyways we keep walking and talking till we realised that we wondered into an unknown part of the forest. "We should probably go back. I don't quite know this part of the woods and the last thing I want is to get lost." I said. Mabel nodded in agreement. We started to turn back around when we heard some rustling of leaves near us. We turn around but there was nothing. I felt a pair of eyes watching us and I don't like it. "Do you think its the..." I shh'd her and walked to where the sound came from which was behind a bush. Suddenly something jumped out of the bushes. I jumped back and landed on my butt hard due to the jumpscare. I turned to see what it was and it was a...rabbit! Mabel began to laugh. "You got scared by a tiny rabbit." She said between giggles. I glared at her and got up wiping myself off. "Ha ha vary funny." I said sarcastically. Suddenly Mable's face changed from that if delight to fear. "Dipper behind you." She said. I tensed up and slowly turned around to be face and face with a giant bat with long sharp fangs looking at us hungrily. Oh great. I felt a warm felling on my right hand and I quickly tucked it in my pocket. I discovered my fire doesn't my cloth or my self. I couldn't let Mabel see my powers. "Run!" I yelled and we both started to follow our footsteps back to the mystery shack. The bat screeched and flew towards us. Wait. How? It's daytime. Usually they don't come out till night time. Now I am just confused. As I WS running I tripped over a vine and fell face first to the ground. It didn't hurt much. Just a little. The bat screeched once more. I covered my head with one hand and I lay closer to the ground. It flew right right past me and headed for Mabel. "Mabel runs!" I yelled at her. She started to run the giant bat behind her completely ignoring me even when it turned around and saw me. I got up and ran after them.
While running I concentrated on the bats back. "Please work, please work." I mumbled.

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