Untitled Part 76 (sherloxk attacks john alice andy)

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X&z · · →

I struggle to keep you in my hold, failing to do so when you keep thrashing about like a madman. "Sherlock, Sherlock look at me!" I grab your attention once your loose. "I AM John, and I'm fine Sherlock. Please, I dont want to hurt you, just calm down and leave Alice alone." I say in a calm manner, trying to get through to you, but it doesnt work and I appear as only Moriarty in your state of mind.
"It was quite entertaining to watch, especially when John started calling out for you to rescue him." Moriarty smirks. "And I was so proud of my son, when he put a bullet in the back of his head" I look at you with a mocking and taunting look. -John

I call over the waitress and orders two of what I picked, one for each of us. "So, what do you want to do tomorrow?" -strider


K.K. · · →

"Yeah. I didn't drink all that vodka to sit here and do nothing." My words are slightly slurred. -Vince

I say nothing and hold Snow close to me. -Skyler


Andrew · · →

"Whenever you want to go once we're able to leave" I assure you. "I try to see her every Friday if I can" I look over at you crying and sighs myself. "I miss her so much." -Reid

I get up and goes into the office, pulling out the wheelchair. "You want to try and get in it?" -Adam


· · →

Hmm I don't know*i shrug* just gotta phone for the house*i check the time* probably not its half one!-cassie


Trifecta · · →

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