Untitled Part 66 (myc talks to james)

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X&z · · →

Its hard to show you how to play with only one cello-strider


K.K. · · →

"Money won't be a problem but why couldn't I use yours?" -Michaela


X&z · · →

Maybe later...I dont know. I'd first have to get you a cello of your own, and mine from Jacob. -strider


K.K. · · →

I inject a painkiller into your IV. "It's nearly eleven p.m. ma'am." -Nikki


K.K. · · →

"Well I'll be in to check on you periodically but goodnight." I smile back. -Jade


Andrew · · →

"My friend is John, and I do know Alice and of Aspen but im afraid I cant call either of them at the moment." I say, carrying you to the waiting room. "But...I can see if I can find your mum, so you can see her if you'd like"

"Oh, what a *fascinating* story." I remark, sitting cross-legged on the ground. "Must be deja vu for you then, lets hope this story doesnt end like that one." I look at you a bit smugly and sarcastic. "I guess you didnt stop by for tea; are you to just laugh at me or are you actually going to do something?" -James


· · →

To Andy
Once i wrap my arms and legs around your back and neck, I ask, "Whats your friends name?" I pause before continuing, "My mommas friends don't know what happened. Her phone broke so I can't talk to them...their names are Alice and Aspen. Can you call them?" -Sam


Trifecta · · →

"So many good memories of us. There's a whole room in my mind palace dedicated to things about you. Did you know that?" I sharp cramp makes me groan and curl up on my side on the floor as I wrap my arms around my stomach and breath heavily. -Sherlock

I stroll into your prison cell at Pendleton Prison. I can't help but laugh. "You know your father was in your same position once," I say slyly as I look at you chained to the wall in a tiny cell with only a slab for a bed. -Mycroft


Andrew · · →

I nod. "Yeah, a friend of mine was hurt." I take your hand and leads you into the nearest bathroom. Inside I lift you up from under your arms and sits you down on the counter with all of the sinks. "So, Sammy, what are you going to name your new kitty? I have a black teddy bear named Gideon." I speak while wetting off a paper towel and starts wiping off your face. "He's in my coat pocket, I've had him ever since I was three years old." I keep a smile all while cleaning your face. "There, all better." I throw out the paper towel. "Here, I'll give you a ride back to the waiting room, you must be tired after all, its past 10 o'clock at night." I turn and offers you my back to grab onto.

I shake my head "nope, I'm all situated here. I'll see you in the morning Jade" I say with a smile -Reid


· · →

To Nikki
I nod, and you notice the painful expression on my face for the first time. I had been hiding it from you. I slowly lean back to a laying position. "What...what time it is?" -Skye

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