The Weekend PT. 2

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I didn't have to do it.

But I did.

I didn't want to do it.

But I did.

I kissed Aphmau.

I felt horrible. Kissing Aphmau like that and already in a relationship.

But my other side felt flustered, relieved, happy. I could feel my emotions rushing into me.

Then again, I kissed Aphmau against my will. Techincally, I, adult I, that loves Garroth, didn't kiss Aphmau.

I, teenager I, who loves Aphmau,

that's who kissed her.

Regrettably though, I almost felt kind of happy I finally kissed Aphmau.

She used to be the women of my dreams. That's normal, right?

After I kissed her cheek, I turned away with a flustered look, blushing really badly, I can tell, because Aphmau stared at me in utter shock with her eyes glistening and her cheeks as red as a tomato.

"Aphmau! Uh, I'm s-sorry I did that I-I w-wasn't thinking m-my body jus--"

"Laurance." Aphmau interrupted sternly.

I got scared I upsetted her because her tone surprised me.

But then she smiled warmingly, and giggled that giggle that used to make my heart flutter.

"It's okay. Just next time, don't do something without a warning!!" She teased.

" felt good to be noticed someone. It makes you feel important, you know?"

I laughed nervously and just remained quiet for a while.

Aphmau was doing the same. I guess that kiss made it really awkward between us.

I was wondering if I should tell Garroth.

I mean, I should. But I don't want to upset him, and I don't want to upset him even more if I kept it to myself and he finds out from somewhere- or someone else.

At that moment I felt really conflicted and almost lost my balance on my roller blades.

Then I completely lost my balance.

Because right behind me something reached out and grabbed Aphmau, which scared the heck out of me.

I had to put my feet in front of me before I landed headfirst into the hard, welcoming floor where other people were skating.

"GAH!" She screamed

"Aphmau!" I called to her.

I realized someone else called her name too, at the same time.

It was a woman's voice, and it sounded really familiar.

Then it dawned on me...

"APHMAU MY MOMMY SENSES WERE TINGLING!! I FELT SOMETHIG BIG HAPPENED SO I RUSHED OVER HERE TO SEE WHAT YOU WERE UP TO!!" Aphmau's mom yelled in her face so everyone around us could hear.

From the corner of my eye I saw Aphmau turn even more red then after our kiss, and her eyes were frantically shaking.


"Long enough to see you-"

I braced myself for the words she was about to scream so the whole world will know.


"Long enough to see you-"

Oh no.

Oh no.

Ohhhhh no.

Mom better not say she saw Laurance kiss me!!!!! Because if she does I swear I'm going to die!

"Long enough to see you stare at that boy with those eyes when it was silent between you!! Do you know how otherwordly that is!? Staring at a boy to break a silence?"

I sighed.

And did a mental facepalm.

My mom. Is the most embrassing mom in history.

And her philosophies are even worse.

Plus in front of a crowd!?

I'm giving her a MAJOR lecture on how to treat me in front of my friends!!

I looked at Laurance to signal this was the end of our roller-blading-with-friends date.

"Bye Laurance! Say goodbye to Katelyn and Jeffory for me too. I had an awesome time!!"

"Kay mija come on, get your butt into my car and let's go home."

I stared back at the roller arena as my mom and I were walking out of the building into the wondrous maze of the parking lot.

If only my mom weren't so naggy...

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