Their Historytale- 2

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I stared up at my ceiling, which I could barely see. It was early night, the sun just set over the horizon. Garroth and I decided to go to bed early so we can play Undertale for the whole day tomorrow, starting bright and early.

But I don't know if our plans will stay that way.

After the first time we played Undertale, I knew it was going to be a game to remember. The way it gave me feelings of nostalgia, the original story, Toriel...

I couldn't wait to play it again. In fact, I was itching right now to play it. I. Cannot. Wait.

Screw sleeping. I'm pretty much nocturnal anyway.

Ugh. My insomnia's getting worse.

I shrugged off my covers and jumped out of bed, on my way to Garroth's room. Soon I was in front of his door. I raised my hand to knock, but before I could the door opened, like it was automatic. Turns out it was just my blonde little boyfriend. And even before I could say anything, he took the words right out of my mouth.

"Undertale?" He asked me, waggling his eyebrows.
I smirked, but I was also a bit surprised. Impressed, even.

"How did you...?" I asked him.

He put on a cunning smile. "You have your laptop in your hands."

"Oh yeah."

"Alright then!" He took my arm and literally pulled me into his room.

"Let's get started!"

"Wow Garroth, you're more energized than I thought."

He tisked me. "We both know that this game is super addicting, and we just could NOT wait until morning to play it."

"True dat." I agreed.

"Oh yeah, and let's try not to play too long. If you lock the door again while I'm here while it's late morning, Dante might get the wrong idea. Or maybe not, considering the last time we..."

Garroth blushed. "C-can we just play the game?"

"Uh, yeah get on with it." I said, rushing to get my words out. Even I was a bit overwhelmed about what happened.



"I am TORIEL, caretaker of the ruins. I pass this place everyday to see if there if anyone's fallen down. You are the first human to come here in a very long time. Come, I will guide you through the catacombs."

Toriel continued to walk deeper into the ruins, us tagging behind. It was there we found our very first leaf pile.

The shadow of the ruins looms above you, filling you with DETERMINATION
EMPTY           LV0              0:00   
❤️Save                          Return

"Determination. I like that." I said.

"Welcome to your new home, little one.  Allow me to educate you on how the ruins work."

Toriel proceeded to do a puzzle, stepping on certain buttons so we may pass to the next part of the ruins. It reminded me a lot of what I would do back in the day with my brothers.

"The ruins are filled with puzzles.  Ancient fusions between diversions and doorkeys.  One must solve them to move from room to room."

Sure enough, room after room was filled puzzles after puzzles you needed to solve in order to pass through the next room. As  soon as Toriel left, Laurance being the little daredevil he is prodded me to keep exploring and going through the puzzles.

I watched from my perfect hiding spot of the stair railing my baby brothers walk in, just coming home from school. They were going to go to their rooms to do homework, but I made sure that's not as easy as it sounds.

"Mom! We're home!" Called Vylad, as he and Zane got comfortable and started making their way upstairs.

I giggled. They're gonna love the challenge I'll give them!

As they came up the stairs I quietly hid in my room and pressed my ear against the door to hear their conversation.

"Vylad, no fair, you don't have homework for the weekends. How lucky can you be in that school of yours?" Zane complained.

Vylad stayed silent. I faintly heard them try to open the doors to their rooms, but the knobs won't budge.

"What the--? Zane! Did you do this?"

"No! My door's locked too!"

As they kept fussing and jiggling their doorknobs, I made my entry into this whole dilemma.

"My fellow brothers!" I shouted out in a tone hosts for gaming shows use.

Zane facepalmed at this. "Of course, this has something to do with YOU."

"Elementary, my dear baby brother Zane! So I've hidden keys to your room somewhere around the house. You have to go on a HUNT for it! You gotta complete my puzzles I put before you came home from school!"

Even though I've done this millions of times before, they never get tired of it. Vylad as looking excited, while Zane looked like he just wanted to get this over with and go in his precious room. Probably because of his online games and stuff.

"Here's your first clue to start this off!" I said, handing them a piece of paper with writing on it.

And off they went, on a wild goose chase for their room keys.

I looked at the bottom of their doors, where there was the small crack that lead to the other room. Sitting between the shadow of the crack for each boys' door was none other than their room key.

This will definitely turn out  VERY interesting.

Aah, the good old days.

A new chapter finally out! I'm so sorry for the inconsistent updates if chapters. I've been very worked over other things. Hope you enjoyed!

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