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Rachel's POV

 For the next couple hours we sat in our rooms waiting for Kira and Alex to be done with check in so we could all go to lunch. Lunch starts at 12:30 and check in ended at 12. The clock hit 12:15 and no Kira or Alex. 

"Maybe we should just go walk around and if we don't find them we can just meet them at lunch." Sarah suggested. 

"No," I started "We told them we would meet them here. Did someone text them?" 

"Yeah." Jen replied in the most annoyed voice ever. "I agree with Sarah. We should just..." 

Just then Kira and Alex came running in. "SERIOUSLY WHY IS IT THAT I ALWAYS GET CUT OFF MID SENTENCE?!" Jen yelled. 

"Sorry Jen." Kira apologized "You guys might want to see this tho." 

They started out the door and without thinking we all followed. We ran to catch up with both of them. "Where are we going?" Macy asked

"Shhhh." Alex replied. 

We started to approach the dining hall. A sign on the door read "No Entry until Lunch." Kira and Alex pushed through the doors into the dining hall completely ignoring the signs on the door.  We followed in and found about 10-12 people sitting at a long table. By the looks of it I could tell they were having their last meeting before the camp officially started. 

I looked at the people sitting at the table. At the head was Olivia the head of the camp. I had talked to her over Instagram and briefly met her when we went to the parent meeting for the camp. I started to pay more attention to everyone at the table. There were four boys sitting at the table that I would recognize anywhere. 

"Guys. Guys." Macy started. "Thats......Thats...." 

"You scream or fangirl in anyway you will be taken out of here." Alex said cutting her off. 

We agreed to be quiet and she showed us to some chairs along the corner so we could sit and wait for the meeting to be over. As soon as we sat down in the chairs we all started low key fangirling.  

"I didn't think they were coming." Sarah whispered 

"Shhhhh." Jen shushed. Her eyes never left the boys. I couldn't blame her. I couldn't look over there because I thought I'd either scream, cry or die. 

Macy and I kept starring at each other keeping each other in line. We knew that if the other person looked over there we would be kicked out in 1 seconds. 

"Okay so we will make the announcement tonight at dinner that you guys are here." Olivia finished. 

"Yeah also make sure you add the fact that we just want to be treated normally." Ashton added "We are here to really get to know our fans and being treated like friends is what we want."  

Hearing Ashton talk made me nearly die. I looked at Macy as a tear streamed down my face. I never thought I would be in the same room as my idols listening to them talk in person. I had never been happier. 

"Don't" Macy whispered to me.

I got myself together and turned around to look at the table. They were right there. The people I had idolized for years were 10 feet in front of me. 

"Okay. I think thats it." Olivia said finishing up the meeting. "Thank you everyone for all your help. You are free to enjoy the camp. I think everything is good. Go enjoy the camp and I will let you know if I need anything else. Have fun!" 

Everyone stood up and started talking to one another. I watched Kira and Alex get up and walk over to the boys. They started talking to them and looking over at us. I looked over at Jen, Sarah, and Macy who were watching them talk as well. 

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