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Rachels POV

My alarm went off at 7am and I quickly shut it off before it woke the whole cabin up. I grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom. About 10 minutes later I walked out and saw Macy out on the porch. "How did you beat me?" I asked walking out. 

"I woke up around 6:30. So i just got up." 

I camp was close to empty. There were only about 5-10 other girls that were walking around getting an early start. 

"Ready to go?" I asked. 

She nodded and we walked to the dining hall. When we walked in it was mostly empty. Macy looked at me. "See theres a method to my madness." 

I laughed and we got out food. None of the boys were seen so we sat at an empty table. I walked over and snapped a picture of the activities for the day. 

We looked and decided we were going to do 'Wattpad 101, Fan art and more' at 10:30.

After we finished breakfast it was starting to get crowded we decided to sneak out through the kitchen. When we walked into the kitchen Luke and Calum were standing in there getting their food. 

Hey guys!" Macy and I said. 

Calum and Luke looked at us with a half smile. "Um," Luke started "hi..." 

We continued out the back. "That was weird." I said as soon as the door closed and I knew they couldn't hear us. 

"Yeah. I wonder what that was about." 

We made our way around the hall and to our cabin. When we got back no one was there. I looked at the clock and we had about a half an hour to get to our activity. "Where is it again?" I asked 

"Um..." Macy got out her phone to check. "Grounds 2. We should leave in like 10 minutes." 

I nodded and got out my phone. I texted Cameron and decided to see if he was free around the same time as me. I got no reply so I figured he was either busy or asleep. 

Around 10:15 Macy and I decided to head over to Grounds 2. We took a more scenic route. We walked in this path that Macy said she had found last night with one of the guys she met. It was really pretty in the morning. 

Before we knew it we made it to the grounds and saw tables set up. There were about 20-25 other girls  there. We found a seat with 3 other girls and started talking to them. We hadn't really gotten a chance to talk to other girls here. We kind of already had our group before we got there. Nothing against the other girls, but it was nice to talk to other girls in the fandom. 

The activity started and we learned how to write better fan fiction and how to do lyric art/fan art. This lasted until around noon and as we left I looked down at my phone to see that Cameron had texted back. 'I'm really busy today. Not sure if it will work. Let me know how later tonight works!' 

I didn't reply and Macy and I walked back to the dining hall for Lunch. 

There was a activity going on in the main grounds so we went around that back and hoped someone would answer the door. We knocked a couple times and no reply. We decided that it was best just to sneak around to the front and go in through the entrance. 

We walked in and barely anyone was there. We saw Jackie and Jamie sitting at a table with Michael and Luke. We both waved to Michael and Luke who were facing us. Michael started to wave back with a big smile on his face, until Luke whispered something to him causing him to stop. 

We got our food and sat down at a table with a couple other girls. "Hey!" We said sitting down. 

The girls looked at us, then at each other, and got up and left. "Well," Macy started. "That was rude." 

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