Chapter 3 - You hear that?

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This chapter is for XxXForeverHungryXxX for encouraging me to continue! Thanks and lots of love!!!  xxx 

Chapter 3 – You hear that?

“What do you mean ‘was there anyone in the car?’”

I questioned Julie with amazement. After all that had happened to me, I was just going to be treated like an idiot? Of course there was someone in that car! He was gorgeous. There was no doubting that and to think that this Julie person was going to just walk in and pretend as if I were crazy enough to question the things that I'd seen?

“It was a simple enough question Alice, I’m not going to ask you any random questions that aren’t going to get me anywhere. I know that you’re fine, there is no questioning your sanity!”

“Well it sounds like a pretty condescending question to me Julie! Of course there was someone in that car, and he was pretty beaten up…”

“There was a boy in the car?” 

“Yeah, I just said that…and he was pretty beaten up. It’s not like he could just get up and walk away.” 

“It seems like that is exactly what happens if we are going to rely on your answers. We couldn’t find a body in the wreckage.”

“Why do you think I was treated for shock on the scene then…Did you really think that the sight of a twisted car could get me to go numb all over my body. It was the sight of that boy Julie. He looked like he had gone to hell and back of his own accord. And who would’ve crashed the car anyway? Car’s don’t just get hit by oncoming traffic, let alone go driving by themselves!” 

I could tell that Julie was flustered...what with the onslaught I jsut directed to her...her jaw was parted and expressed solely the shock that she was feeling.

That will teach her...and so I continued from where I left off...and walked out the door.

Striding down the corridor of a hospital in an open-backed gown and converses isn’t all that normal a sight. Continuing down the hall, I tried to avoid the nurse’s stations and any of the hospital staff.

Looking into the rooms every so often, I observed the patients behind the glass walls. Some had tubes connecting their arms to bags hanging off stands, and others had tubes coming from their noses. Hospitals really were a sorry sight. It just made life depressing. 

Noticing a hall cupboard, I ducked in and found a set of medical uniforms, as well as a stack of regular everyday clothing. Grabbing the first thing I saw that would fit, I removed the horrible hospital gown and threw the clothing on. I finished changing and then exited the room and went on my way.

Continuing along, I came across a room with no one in the bed. Confused, I stopped and glanced at the name on the door.

‘Jackson McCullough’.

Feeling intrigued as to why this person wasn’t in their bed in an intensive care unit, I opened the door a jar. Listening with my ear pressed to the crack between the door jam and the actual door, I heard some whispering. Pushing the door open further, I saw a young man with his back to her, facing the open window.

Hearing the door squeaking on the hinges, the boy turned and looked at me...An almost lingering glance as if he were happily distracted from what ever else was going on.

As he turned, I recognised him immediately…It was him, from the crash, the boy from the car accident.

But why was he so unharmed? Even if it wasn’t the day after the crash. He looked horrible in that car, all torn up with blood running from his ears. I had actually thought that there was no hope for him, that such a beautiful person would be wasted all because of some stupid truck driver who couldn’t keep his eyes on the road. But he was here, and he was standing in front of me.

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