The Start.

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The next day...

''Armin,are you okay?You look like you want to barf...''

Cheeks flaring a brilliant red, Armin bends awkwardly, stomach brushing against the table's edge.

He's too mortified to really do anything but freeze and hope that maybe in some alternate universe time will magically start to shift back to the moment where he saw the blood,the organs...

Nononononono,he couldn't take this.

He fainted on the patient,much to Erwin's dismay,who simply looked at him.

''Hum,Armin,Hello?Are you still alive?''Erwin called,concern lacing his voice.No response.

Levi silently watched the scene,crossing his arms,right across Armin and Erwin on the table.

Erwin repeated once again,this time pulling Armin's ear.


Someone is calling me...

Armin moaned out as he opened his eyes to see a very confusing sight. A hunched over Levi and Erwin,along with one medic.

Armin's head snapped back, his eyes widening for a moment,before realizing where he was.

He laughed nervously,before thinking:

''Amen grandpa,I'll see you in heaven.Spare me for all the times I didn't clean my room.''


''Next Intern!!''

"Oh..One moment." Sasha said quickly, as she stood up and walked over to the hospital bed.

''Welcome Sasha,I hope that you will be able to get used to the instructions we are about to tell you.'' Erwin said,a mask covering his face.

Sasha nodded in response.

She looked up to Levi and tilted her head,waiting for him to say something.

Levi spoke,shooting her this crooked smile.

"Do you..."He took the retractor on the plate , "Know how to handle the retractor in order to cut through his ribs?" He murmured as he gestured to the beta's arm.

''No.'' she says, muttering into her palm.

Levi's jaw clenches,and he then proceeds to explain the procedure,along with Erwin occasionally giving a few tips.


''And then..." Levi pauses,

"That's how you do it." he finishes, slowly pulling away the retractor from the arm.

When Levi finally looks up to Sasha to see if she understood,he isn't pleased by what he sees.

Sasha is eating a potato.A potato.

Levi's face grew dark and he looked away to look at Erwin,who chuckles. The smug bastard is grinning slightly,his grin pulling at his lips as he watches Levi from across the bed.

''Ahem." He started as his scratchy voice clawed its way out of his throat.

''Well well,eating a potato,are we?'' The raven said quickly, as he clicked his tongue.

Sasha looked at him,swallowed thickly and opened her mouth to speak.

She grinned before a serious expression fell into place.

"Here,take some of this.''Sasha splitted the potato into two pieces, before offering it to Levi.

''It's super good.I stole it from the cafeteria, but shh..."she said,pressing her finger to her lips,''No one needs to know that." She murmured as Levi's grey eyes watched her every moment.

''I see.''


Michelle,one of the interns, ran out the operating room,sobbing about how she'll never step a foot inside an operating room for the rest of her lifetime.

Eren was confident.No way he'll crap his pants just for the sight of mere blood.Yeah.Definitely.No way.Haha.

However, Eren thought's were interrupted as someone grabbed his shoulder forcefully.He isn't given time to react given the voice that interrupts his attention.

"Hey,you scared yet?"

Jean,a.k.a Horseface, is standing in front of him, appearing like some fucking teleporter that has Eren jumping in his skin.

''Pfft.Scared,me?What are you talking about? ''Eren scowled,his upper lip curling in disdain.

''Okay.If you say so,Mister I'm-so-not-scared.By the tone of your voice, I imagine that you don't know what happened to Armin and Sasha.''Jean grins, his face teasing.

Curious,Eren asked.

''What happened with them?''

Jean mumbles, as he watches Eren's brows furrow in aggravation.

''Look outside.''

Eren did as he was said,

and was met with the sight of Sasha running lapses around the hospital,and Armin breathing heavily on one of the hospital's benches.

Eren gave Jean an unimpressed look.

''They are just running,dumbass.''

''Gosh,can you use your brain for once?''Jean hissed.''They've been running 5 hours non-stop.The only reason Sasha didn't collapse yet is because Miss Shadis,the lady serving the food at the cafeteria,is chasing her for the potatoes she stole.'' He paused,as he stumbled towards Eren.

''Trust me, Shadis is scary.As for Armin,he collapsed after all the pressure.''

Jean hears Eren clear his throat, and his gaze ends up edging upwards at the noise.

"T-That isn't going to make me give up." Eren quickly replies, words running together in a tangled mess of low tones and anxiety. ''N-Not that I am actually s-cared,h-haha.''

He shouldn't have listened to Horseface; he's making enough of a fool of himself just on his own. "I mean," he swallows, "Wh-who do you take me f-for?A scared mice?" Smooth,Eren. Real smooth.

The door handle turns, tearing Eren out of his daze. He tugs on his shirt, all the while sporting a nervous smile on his face.

Levi looks down to see Eren, "Why do you look so constipated right now,you little shit?By the way Jean,it's your turn." He turns to address Jean.

"You know, Levi," the man across from him starts, and Levi can't help but be drawn into the intensity of the gaze being pressed on him, "Eren is a scared ass motherfucker. "

''Not true.''

The static playing over the radio seems a little bit louder. Eren's stare feels harder.

And then Levi is turning away,along with Jean, leaving Eren with his mouth hanging open.

He swears that he sees Horseface roll his eyes.

''Dumbass.'' Jean mouths silently.

A/N:I held onto my promise,and made a double update!!Aren't I awesome?Leave comments in the section below!!It'll make me real happy to know your opinions!!

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