Chapter 17: The viewers.

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~Chapter Seventeen: The viewers~

Alfie and Marcus go home to edit videos whilst Louise, Zoe, Darcy and myself all went shopping.

I buy a few new tops from topshop, Zoe buys a dress and Louise spends a lot of money on Darcy in Primark and H&M.

We are in Starbucks when two girls, obviously viewers, come up to us.

"Oh my god! You're Sprinkle of glitter and Zoella. We love your videos" They both get really excited and ask for photos, when one of the girls turns around to me and says...

"You're that girl who's in Marcus' vlogs recently. Who the fuck are you?"

They must be fangirls for Marcus and of course I'm 'that' girl.

" name's Laila.." I really don't know what to say to them.

"Ew look at you. You don't deserve him" I look down at my feet. That really hurt. I hold back tears from spilling.

"I best go, see you later yeh?" I start to walk away ignoring Zoe calling after me.

They are right. Marcus' viewers are right. I don't deserve him. I was a bitch to him, now he's going to be a father. He's stuck with me. I hear Zoe and Louise catching up with me. I try walking faster but it was no use.

"Laila..wait..they probably didn't mean it. Stop please."

Didn't mean it? Yeah right.

"No, they meant it. I know they did" I swallow a gulp in my throat and turn to face Zoe and Louise. Darcy is asleep in Louise's arms.

I guess the shopping got a bit too much for her.

"Laila don't be silly. They only said it because they're typical fangirls. Anyone who touches Marcus' is dead to them and we all get hate. That's why we keep personal things out of vlogs and videos." Louise try's reassuring me. It does help but the main question on my mind is how much hate will I have to go through?

"Look..lets go home yeah?"


Marcus pov:

"Byeeeeeeeeeeeee" I just finish a vlog to put up for tomorrow. I really hope my viewers don't get bored of my vlogs.

"We're back!!" I hear Zoe's voice as she comes through the front door. I look and Darcy comes running in.

"Marcus, Marcus" She chants happily. What a cutie. I pick her up to go to look for Laila.

"How was shopping?" I kiss her forehead and she doesn't blush like normal or smile.

I put Darcy on the floor and she goes running to find Louise.

I look back at Laila to see a hurt expression on her face.

What did I do?

I pull her in for a hug and hear her start to sob.

"What's wrong?" I kiss away her tears, which makes her smile a little.

"Your viewers, they don..they dont like me Marcus." She sighs at her words "I don't deserve you."

I know viewers probably wouldn't like me in a relationship and that they would react like they did to 'Zalfie' with hate but I didn't think it would be this bad.

"Shh..its ok. Whatever they said, ignore them. Not everyone will be like them and I take it they told you that you don't deserve me? Right?"

She nods looking down at her feet before mumbling "i love you."

"I love you too silly. I don't care what they say. I love you and that's all that matters. Maybe if we take a break of you being in the vlogs just until it calms down maybe?" She nods her head and then Darcy comes running back in pulling her hand

"Draw with me Laila."

I go back to my macbook to upload, and I decide to answer a few comments on my vlogs.

I scan through to see if there was questions. There is a few that I answer. I see a lot of comments about Laila.

"Wow she's really pretty"

"You're so lucky, you both are"

"Ew to her, she best keep her hands off"

"You two need to get together, omg!"

I smile at the last one.

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