At school I'm writing stories for english. Just small parts. This is one of them that I'm proud of.
We were in the car again. Isaac was driving me to Kai's house, We were planning to have a sleep over.
"You do realize, when I was eleven, I never had a babysitter, and I wasn't allowed to have a sleep over."
"Yeah. You've told me, what, 7 times now?" I said back to my brother, "If you haven't noticed, the world changed."
He looked at me for a second, then looked back to the road. I smirked at him. Speechless, I see. I looked to the road too, we should be getting close. I saw a swift movement from Isaac and looked over, right as he punched me in the shoulder.
I punched him back.
"Ow! Stop, I'm driving!"
I stopped after a second punch, for good measure, and looked to the window.
"Hypocrite," I muttered at my reflection.
"I heard that."
"Wonderful. You were meant to."
This is us. Brother and sister forever. We drove in silence for a few minutes, looking at the road. It was plenty awkward too.
I was thrown back against the back of my seat as the brakes screeched.
I looked at my brother as he stared at the window behind me with fear written all over his face. I turned around and, somehow, saw a bright light, and darkness together.
Isaac was holding me. It was dark, and...cold.
He looked at me, his blue eyes dull in the darkness.
"It's cold Isaac."
It was, it was hard to breath. Hard to talk.
"Isaac, it... it hurts. It hurts so much."
" Hold on Hope. It's gonna be alright, they're looking for us. They'll find us."
It was hard to focus, to think. He seemed worried, worried about me.
"Will you stay with me?"
" Of course. It's gonna be alright, it's gonna be Ok.."
He was in a daze.
"I promise. I'll be here, next to you. Always."
He seemed to be telling himself, assuring himself.
He looked up at something I couldn't see as a light hit his face. He had cuts on his face that i couldn't see before. Faintly, I heard a voice, a man's voice.
"I found them." The voice said.
I saw something bright and closed my eyes. It was hard to stay awake.
"It hurts Isaac. It hurts..." I whispered.
I opened my eyes, remembering the day as if it were yesterday. It wasn't, it was three years ago. That was the day I died.
Story Ideas
AléatoireI've never been able write a full story, so these are just story parts that might stir up your imagination, and I might throw in a few tips for writing. You're completely allowed to pass this and move on if you want, but I would love if you gave thi...