Chapter 1

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A/N: Just a warning, these first few chapters will be all of the four character's POVs, so they will be fairly short. But after that it will mostly be in Mark's POV. Enjoy!

Mark's POV
"Hey Naomi ." I speak into the phone.
"Hi. I guess it's finally time?" Naomi  replies, yawning.
I nod even though she can't see me. "Yeah."
"Okay. I'll call Leah and we can meet at our meeting spot."
"Right." She hangs up and I open my window. Looking down, I estimate how far it would be. Oh well. Taking my small bag, I crouch on the window sill. Three. Two. One. I jump and a moment later tumble onto the ground. "God damn it." I say, shaking out my sore wrist. Not wanting to waste anymore time, I start walking. Out of my driveway. Down the first street. Then another street, past two cars. In just fifteen minutes I arrive at the water tower. Leah nor Naomi  were here yet.
As I wait, I'm surprised. I have no thoughts, my mind is blank. I never even looked back. But why would I need to if I didn't want to remember that horrible house? There were no good memories. My father had started drinking when I was three. Naomi and Lee have been my only friends. And now we were running away together.
I hear footsteps behind me.
"Mars!" I hug Leah. She was crying.
"Hey, it's okay. We're getting out of here." I whisper. She nods and pulls away. She had been kicked out of her own home.
I hug Naomi who had arrived with Lee.
"Okay. Let's go home." I say. I didn't mean where we used to live. Those were just empty houses now. But where we were going...
"Where's that exactly?" Naomi asks. I smirk.
"Wherever this takes us." I smile at the cloudless sky. It was perfect.
All three of us start walking to the used car lot. It was only four am. We had walked each about an hour total. Naomi leads us to behind the fence. Beyond that was a park. We stay hidden behind the trees in the park and close to the car lot so we knew when it opened. I lay out two blankets, it was all I could fit, and let Lee lay down first. Naomi snuggled next to her and there was just enough room for me to comfortably lay down. I pull the second blanket over us and I quickly fall asleep.

Life on MarsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant