Chapter 3

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Leah's POV

Mars and I walk in silence. I keep sneaking glances at him, but he looked quite content with the way we were so I don't speak. I find interest in my worn converse slapping against the ground.
Ever since we were kids, about thirteen, we had talked about getting out of here. Mars and Naomi were my closest friends. We could talk for hours about things we wouldn't dare say to any of our parents. I remember one time clearly, though there were many other memories with them. But this one was when we were talking about running away when we got older. Now look at that.
"Lee?" Mars taps me on my shoulder and I snap out of my thoughts.
"Yeah?" I ask, looking towards a the younger boy.
"Is this place okay?" I look up and notice that we were standing at the front doors of the Pride gas station place.
"Yeah." We walk inside and Mars immediately goes towards the donut counter. I just wander down the isle trying to find something that isn't to fatty. I decide on a yogurt with strawberries and walk up behind Mars. We pay for our stuff, plus granola bars, Pringles, and soda for us and tea for Naomi.
"Here's your change. Have a nice day." The cashier says. For some reason he looked familiar.
"Dan?" I ask. The guy looks up.
"Hey guys." He smirks. Mars catches on to the conversation and leans over the counter to hug Dan.
"I haven't seen you in a while." Mars says, pulling away.
"Me neither. Are you guys finally leaving?"
"Yeah." I say. Then I have an idea. "Hey, are you still living with your parents?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to maybe come with us at least for a little while."
Dan looks down and frowns.
"I don't know."
"Please?" Mars jumps in. "We need someone to help us with money and stuff."
"If it's okay with you guys and Naomi." Dan replies, looking lovingly at Mars. Dan had always treated Eric like a younger brother when we were in high school and home life was harder than ever. Dan was like our uncle since he was a senior when we were all Sophomores. He's probably nineteen now, since Naomi is 18 and Mars and I with our late birthdays are 17.
"How did you know Naomi was going with us?" I ask, though it was an obvious question. Dan knew everything about us because when Naomi or Mars weren't there, Dan was.
"Come on. You guys have always wanted to get married and you are all super close. You'd never be able to be apart."
Yeah, I guess that's true. Dan takes off his work apron.
"Just wait for a second. I'm going to go tell my boss that I'm quitting."
Mars smiles brightly and hugs me.
"Thank you so much for letting him come." I smile and hug him back, though he was taller than me.

A few minutes later, Dan comes back with some normal clothes on. He takes Mars hand, who blushes, and we walk outside of the store. Now there were four of us, which would help pay rent. After about five minutes of walking, an old four door Chevy pickup pulls to the edge of the road in front of where we were walking. I relax when I see that it's Naomi, who probably went to find us once she got the truck.
"DAN!" She cries out. Dan waves and we all climb in. I sit in front with Naomi and Mars and Dan go in the back. Naomi eventually stops questioning Dan and we start driving. Honestly, I didn't know where we were going but I figured that Naomi knew since she didn't ask anything else. An hour later I look towards the backseat. Mars was sleeping peacefully on Dan's lap. I always knew they would be cute together. Plus Eric used to have a major crush on Dan. I turn back around and Naomi takes my hand. I smile and fall asleep.

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