Party Hardy-13

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It was Friday, the night of the party.

I was in my room, getting ready. I wore a grey halter half top with black jeans and my Doc Martins. I curled my hair a bit and reapplied some of my makeup.

There was a honk from outside and I quickly grabbed my phone and my purse. When I made it out the door, I saw Grant's car and I slowed down my walking.

Today during school I was kinda ignoring him. I wasn't trying to do it on purpose but I was kinda mad at him. I didn't even sit next to him in lunch like I usually do.

I opened the door to the backseat and gave Kane - who was sitting in the passenger seat - a 'what the hell' look.

"He agreed to be our designated driver because I'm getting drunk and I know you're getting drunk." he explained.

I gave a silent nod. I made eye contact with Grant through the rear view mirror but quickly looked away.

Ten minutes later and we pulled up to Trevor's house. I got out the car, completely leaving Kane and Grant behind, heading inside the house. The house was packed per usual when it came to one of Trevor's parties. People greeted me as I walked through, telling me that they haven't seen me at a party in a while which 'a while' for these people was like two weeks.

The song Down in the Dms by Yo Gotti was playing and people were dancing with red solo cups in their hands. I made my way through the sweaty, drunken crowd and into the kitchen, already searching for the alcohol and not just any type of alcohol, I needed something strong.

I looked through the fridge and found a bottle of vodka. I grabbed it and poured it into a red solo cup. I just continued to stand there and drink and about ten minutes later I was almost done with the whole bottle.

I set the bottle down on the counter and I could tell I was already drunk.

I began walking to the dance floor and on my way I grabbed a random guy and slurred, "Let's dance."

He didn't refuse and let me take him there. The song changed and Work by Rihanna started playing.

I started to laugh. "Oh shit, this is my song!"

I turned my back to the guy and began dancing on him. He grabbed my hips and began dancing on me too. Trust me, if I was sober this probably wouldn't be happening right now.

I shimmied lower down his body and threw my head around like they do in the movies. When I came back up the guy pulled me closer and whispered close to my ear, "You wanna go have some real fun?"

I shook my head and finally turned to face him, putting my hands on his shoulders, dancing in place. "I wanna keep dancing."

He let out a huff and I smelled the alcohol on his breath. His face got annoyed and he turned me back around so my back was against his chest. He put his mouth close to my ear again, saying, "Okay, fine, but five more minutes."

I nodded but I started to get nervous because I knew this guy wanted to hook up and no matter how drunk I was I was not about to hook up with a random guy.

Like the guy said we continued to dance for five more minutes and then he started dragging me away from the dance floor.

I wanted to pull out of his grip but I was to drunk to even process what was happening.

"Where are we going?" I slurred, sloppily following him.

"A room." he smirked, looking back at me.

I rubbed my eyes, confused. A room? Why would we go to a room? I'm not tired.

But then I remembered what he said earlier about 'having fun' and my eyes widened.

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