Say It-29

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The word didn't come from Grant but from Emily. I turn around to see tears pooling in her eyes with a shocked look on her face. I was trying to help Grant with his dad that I didn't even think about Emily and how he's her dad too.

"Rick?" Mrs. Moore's face shows so many emotions that it makes me realize that she misses him. I could tell that seeing him was hard for her.

"Can I come in?" He asks, speaking to his ex-wife.

Grant still hasn't spoken a word. His was just staring blankly at him.

She simply nods and Grant slowly opens the door for him to come in. The air was very tense and no one said a word.

"What," Grant starts in a low voice, "are you doing here?"

Rick, who's name I now know, sighs before making eye contact with me. "I'm taking up your offer."

"Offer?" Grant says in a confused state, his arms crossed. "What is he talking about, Jules?"

The whole family's eyes were on me, all confused on what he could mean by that. I was nervous because they could react horribly.

But I blurt it out anyways. "My parents want to pay for his rehab."

Mrs. Moore's eyebrows scrunch, what I said not completely processing. "What?"

I looked at Grant and his face was unreadable so, I look back at his mom, beginning to explain myself further. "I told him that if he wanted to get better then he would come to Grant's birthday party as a way to show me that he would take up my parent's offer and go to rehab for his problem. I believe you guys are a wonderful family and I want to help you guys out."

By the time I was finished, there were tears in her eyes. She stood there for a while, speechless before she began to walk up to me with her arms open. A smile grows on my face at her grateful reaction. She pulls me into a tight hug and after a while she pulls away, just staring at Rick with a sad smile.

"I think that's great, dad." Emily speaks up, her voice wavering. She walks up to her dad and she goes in for a hug.

He happily accepts and pulls her in. "I've missed you, Em." he whispers to her.

All the while this was happening, Grant was silent. I couldn't tell what he was thinking because his face was unreadable.

Rick pulls away from his daughter now bringing his attention to his son. "Grant, I'm sorry for everything that I've done but now, I truly want to get better. Julianne's parents are giving me this opportunity when they don't even know me so, I knew I had to take it. It took some thinking but this--"

Grant cuts him off. "I need to think."

He walks out of the house. I'm gutted.

I've ruined everything. He doesn't like the idea of his father coming back. I should've just left it alone but I thought he would love this. I was obviously wrong.

My eyes start to water and a lump begins to form in my throat. I don't say anything and I just stand there, staring at the ground while trying to hold back my tears.

I feel a hand on my back and I look up to see Mrs. Moore. "Honey, go talk to him."

I sniff. "I don't think he wants to talk to me." I whisper.

"I think he does."

I give her an unsure look but she nods in reassurance so, I hesitantly start to make my way outside. When I make it outside, I don't see Grant at first but then I see him sitting in his car. I walk to his car and make my way to the passenger's side.

He doesn't notice me at first but then I knock on the window and he turns his head to me. "Can I talk to you?" I say through the window.

In my surprise, he nods so, I open the door and hop in. We sit there in silence for a minute before I decide to speak. "I'm sorry, I was only trying to help." my voice coming out softly.

He stays silent and it makes my heartrate speed up. I've definitely ruined things. Tears form in my eyes and I look at Grant while he stared out the windshield. "I love you, okay? I know how much you wanted your dad back so, I wanted to give him a chance to prove himself. I did this to make you happy and if it didn't, I'm sorry but please, don't break up with me. I love you."

When I first said it, Grant's head snapped towards me and he had a surprised look on his face. He sees the tears rolling down my face and he turns in his seat and grabs my face in his hand, wiping the tears with his thumbs. "Jules, don't cry, I'm not breaking up with you. I'm not mad at you said you loved me?"

I rest my hand on his hand that was on my face. "Yeah, I do."

He lets out a breath and a smile grows on his face. His lips meet mine in slow yet passionate kiss. When he pulls away, he stares intensely at me. "I love you too."

It feels like a bomb went off in my stomach when he said those words. I wasn't expecting to hear it back.

"I was thinking," he continues, letting go of my face but still at a close distance, "about how great you are to me and how I really don't deserve you. I'm not mad that you got my dad help. I was just in shock. This is more than I could ever ask for. So, thank you."

I wipe at the dry tears on my face and let out a relieved chuckle. "It was no problem. I just wanted you to be happy."

He shakes his head. "And I am. I can't believe you love me."

"I can't believe you love me, I've been a pain in the ass."

He shrugs. "A good pain in the ass."

I let out a laugh. "That's good to know."

We sit in the car for a few more minutes, just talking before we head back into his house to talk about the plan with his dad.


Did anyone think he would react the way he did? And YAY THEY FINALLY TOLD EACH OTHER THAT THEY LOVE EACH OTHER!

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