Bubble Pop

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Mizuki's P. O. V.

I skip out of the candy shop, a bage full of candy in my arms. I smile as I stare at the candy with hungry eyes. I walk down the street - people staring at me as I go - and head towards the park that's not far from the shop. I him Bubble Pop by Hyuna as I make my way towards the park.

I dance a little along the way. I turn a corner a continue to dance a little bit more as less and less people are showing. By the time I'm at the park, I'm dancing without a care - twirling, swaying my hips, bobbing my head slightly. Everyone in the park Lois at me and I pause for a second, staring back at them before shrugging and continuing to dance around while eating candy.

"Bubble, bubble, bubble pop. Bubble, bubble, pop, pop!" I sing, getting stares from people and smiles from others. I continued to dance until I felt like someone was staring hole into the back of my head. It wasn't like the other stares when people just look at you before turning away, no. This one felt like someone was eye-raping me and it sent a shiver down my spine. I turn to see who it was but saw no one. I shrugged at continued my earlier actions.

~ Mini time skip ~

After my graceful dancing, I finally decided to settle down and sit on a bench. I eat my candy and look at the scenery in front of me. Cherry blossom leaves sway with the cool wind as it passes by - pulling cherry blossoms with it. Birds chirp, trees sway, the sun shining down on me. Yup.

The perfect day to eat candy and be weird.

Time passes by as I soon finished half of my bag of candy and it started getting dark out. I sighed and stood up reluctantly. Honestly, I didn't want to go home. I wanted to stay outside and watch the moon and the stars but I have a child at home to take care of.

I walked out of the park and walked home. As I walking, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me. I turned around but no one was there so I shrugged it off. I still had that feeling and when I finally saw my house I sighed.

I walked to my door and unlocked it. Sighing, I yelled, "Honey, I'm home." No one answered. I felt something rubbing against my leg. I looked down and picked up Brooklyn, my black cat, with a smile on my face. "Yet another day being alone," I spoke to her. I pet Brooklyn's head as I walked inside closing the door behind me.

I feed Brooklyn and walked to my room, changing into a white tank top and light blue, mid-thigh shorts for bed. I yawn and get in bed, pulling the covers over me. I felt little feet crawl up the bed and opened my eyes to see Brooklyn laying next to me. I smile and kiss her small head before closing my eyes and going back to sleep, continuing to feel eyes on me.

Its probably nothing, I thought and drifted off to sleep.

I hope you liked the chapter. I'll try to update as fast as possible. Anyway, vote and comment. Love y'all!

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