Entry One

156 13 1

December 1, 2015

Dear Mia,

    My doctor said it would be best to write to you every day. Apparently its supposed to help vent my "unresolved feelings", but honestly I don't see the point of you know writing to a dead girl. But here I am.

One week. You've only been dead for one week and it feels like you've been gone for 5 years.

I guess this could be my way of saying sorry to you, you know? I can't help but think that I could've stopped you if I would've just told you how I felt. I could've protected you. Damn it Mia, I just wanted you to be loved by me. Maybe if I wasn't such a wuss I could've saved you. But, here it goes.

Mia Williams, I love you. I've loved you ever since we were 10 years old. It's weird, though. I knew you were the one for me for 7 years and I never got the guts to tell you.

You were always beautiful. Never in my life had I seen you differently. Why'd you have to do it? Why did you take your life when so many damn people loved you? All I want is for you to be in my arms. I want you to laugh, smile, and be happy. God, what I'd do just to see you smile again.

My heart condition got worse after I got the news. They don't think I have much longer. But maybe that's a good thing, huh Mia? Maybe I'll be able to see you sooner. I don't know.

But whatever happens, just know that I love you with all of my heart and soul.


Zachary Brown

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