The Funeral

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Willow's face was swollen due to all her crying at the funeral. Her best friend, Luna was there by her side comforting her. Moments after it ended they went to the grave to say their farewells and got back home but it was silent without Willow's Brother, Lynn. He had died in a tragic terrorist attack due to the 911. He was on a school tour along with all his friends and teachers but only some made it out alive. And unfortunately Lynn didn't make it out in time.

"It's all going to be alright"

"No! Its not Luna. Don't you get it? Lynn is dead and its all my fault. I could've told him not to go. H-h-e told me- he told me he was sorry for not being there for my equestrian competition. I was so Selfish Luna! I was mad at him, and he left before I could apologize. He offered to stay and miss his tour on the twin towers, But I was giving him the silent treatment assuming that he'll leave me alone and he did..." Willow screamed at the top of her lungs

Luna didn't know what to do, all she could do was pity her but she knew that wouldn't help so she offered herself to Willow. "Willow if you need anything I'm here for you, it's OK to be sad, it just happened a couple days ago, but it'll get better I promise." Replied Luna. Willow nodded and hugged Luna and thanked her for still being with her. And Luna gladly accepted it with gratitude.

1 year Later

"Shoulders out knees bent, what exactly do you think you're doing Ms.Esgorth?" Said professor Forgman

"Nothing sir, in my defense i dont have time to teach these amatures, just kidding i love you all. And i was just grooming my horse, you know how competitive I can get" Said Willow dramatically

As the day seemed to get shorter Willow was back at Luna's place, she was staying the night.
"See any cute guys yet?"

"For the hundredth time, I don't date highschool boys, their way too stubborn and don't care about us individual's"
"Suit yourself"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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