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Ezra gasped as he kept running away from the burning ship. The smoke and lack of air closing his airways to the point to were he turned blue. Falling to the ground, Ezra began crying and sobbing in agony as he finally processed that he was alone forever. No one will ever take the Ghost Crew's spaces or show him the same exact love they did. Turning his head, he saw TIE Fighters fly away. Their mission was complete, their mission? To break him. Break his heart, and they finally did. Pieces of the ship falling off and join the pile of debris on the floor. Everything finally hit him that one moment, everyone would be gone forever. He will never see them again. "W-Why i-is it a-always m-m-me..." Ezra sobbed harder as he started hyperventilating and hiccuping. His lungs clawing at his chest. Kanan's voice suddenly came into his voice, "Shhh. I am okay, young one. Hera, Sabine, Zeb, even Chopper is with me. Now, breathe in and out. Slowly, slowly. There we go. I have to go now, but remember, I will always be there. Do not forget that, Goodbye, my padawan." The voice was gone. His breathing was back to normal. Ezra sighed and slowly got ahold of himself before standing up slowly. 'Yea, maybe the crew is physically gone. But they are now in a better place with deceased friends and family.' Ezra smiled a sad smile as he slowly walked forwards. 'But I have them in my heart.' Those were the last words ever recorded of Ezra Bridger. No one heard of him days and months, even years after that tragic event

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