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I don't really know how or why this happened but I'm blaming Queen.

This is a Shadowhunters/Mortal Instruments fanfiction though an AU and based off the books not the TV show. It'll be Malec *throws glitter* so of course if you only watch the show, you'll likely still understand even if the physical appearance differs slightly. Umm, massively AU (Alternate Universe) and really weird? I don't know, but it was fun to write. I hope you enjoy and please leave whatever thoughts you have! :D


Disclaimer: I do not own the Shadowhunter Chronicles, all rights go to the respective owners, this is merely a work of fanfiction. The plot of this fanfiction, is mine though.

~Percy xx

P.S: I played around with history and family ties just a little o.o

October 19th, 1347

The stranger seemed of something unworldly.

He was tall with soft skin and black hair tied back into a tail, his eyes were of a dainty feline's, yellow with the pupil a sharp diamond. He looked like an angel, his features too beautiful to be real. I wonder if he's the angel coming to take me away. He walks with a graceful stride, he appeared to float the way he moved between the beds. His brown hand trails across the foot of each bed, gazing steadily at the faces of each patient. Most were dead, or on the verge, the corpses still warm as they waited to be discovered in the morning. Then he stopped before my bed, I continued to stare at him, the pain in my head, all over my body had caused me to forget my manners.

He speaks, his voice of liquid honey but I forgot what he said the second he finishes speaking. Even so, the words draw me in, my head blurring over into a trance. There was something about him, something that didn't feel right, his features so beautiful yet so twisted like they'd been made by someone who knew beauty but not human feature. I reach out to him but my hand refuses to move, he steps closer as a darkness dwindles over me, and as I fall under a soft blanket of sleep, I swear I see a pair of sharp teeth.

The ground is damp, the room is black but he can see as if it was beneath a blinding midday sun. Everything felt blue, the stone ways and cobblestone floor, the ceiling that seemed to never end, plated with moss and mould, it was all tinged with blue. He glances around, a young girl in a dirty gown lies slumped in the corner of the room. He can see her chest slowly rise and fall, he can hear her breathe, he can hear her heart beat, like drums thudding loudly through the room. He curls up into a crouch, he hears the dainty fine sound of his skin against the stone.

The heartbeat gets louder and louder, he can smell her blood. She's covered in red swell, her hands and feet blackened by the plague but her blood, so rich and tempting, his throat ached, his gums throbbing with desire. He moves towards her and suddenly he's across the room without even registering his movement. He cups a hand around her cheek and brushes her hair away from her neck, he slowly turns her over, she moans with pain, her heart beating a little faster, it vibrates around the room. A trail of slick drool falls from between his lips.

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