Update is slow but still in progress

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Hey guys i juste wanted you guys to know that i will be updating this one shot bit slow because my brain tooks time to think i mean in fact all of my imagination and ideas came out all of em to Natewantstobattle book. So i figure out i need to make this book greater and awsome! I want this book to be awsome like my Natewantstobattle books! And also you are welcome to take my ideas from this book! But not all of em..mkay? I...well most people or maybe out there you guys maybe ask why do i like to the Yandere shots a lot? Well because when i was 5 my dad shows me a movies that is gore and voilent he didnt stop me he just let me watched it and i was like woooooooow! Bloods like floating everywhere! And now i am addicted to it. So yeah.....anyway i hope you understand! Just be patinet i will update it mkay! Just sit back and eat your chips or popcorns or something while the admin is working...So anyways have a great day and i"ll see you guys next time! Byeeeeee

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