Chapter 2 " The group competition"

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It's Lunch time--
"Hey Miku want to have lunch with my friends?"

"I don't know I'm a shy type and what if they'll hate me?" He chuckled and said

"Don't worry their nice I promise"

~At the Canteen~
"Hi guys this miku my classmate. Miku this is Len,Rin and of course you know him Mikuo"

"Hi Miku that stunt you caused everyone worried" Rin said.

"Yeah I was scared maybe something bad happened to you..." onii-chan said

"Lucky for you kaito was there" Len said

"Enough talking why don't we eat already...." onii-chan said.

"Sure" then we grabbed trays and I grab a 1 medium rice and one spicy chicken with green onion seasonings and a royal soda then went to our table then we laughed,talked,and ate lunch......then after that we went to the rooftop then
"Oh I gotta go class going to start" onii-chan said

"Yeah me and Rin are going see ya " then they left and it was just me and kaito.......
Kaito's P.O.V.
When Mikuo, Len,Rin left it was only me and miku me and miku was so close our shoulders even touched. Me and miku blushed..........after a few minutes Miku fell asleep on my shoulders and I placed my head on her head I stared at her she so cute when she's sleeping when will you ever know how I feel about you Hatsune Miku.......when I tapped her head. Her head dropped and her head was now on my lap....damn I can feel her warmth... I blushed so much. She even smiled in her dreams I wish I can just kiss her.............well I gotta try I grab her and lifted her when I was about to kiss her she slowly opened her eyes crap! I place down her down back to my lap



"Were you going to kiss me?" She said opening her eyes and looking straight to my eyes. And I lied

"No! Why would I kiss you? Why? Do you want to kiss me?" Crap! Why did I just said that. Then Miku suddenly blushed red she's so cute when she's blushing. Then she got up and she moved closer to me leaning in for a kiss. When our lips were about to touch--
"We better get going" said miku. Then she kissed my in the cheeks and she blushed and I blushed as well

"Sure. Let's go" I place my right arm on her other shoulder causing her to blush all the girls felt

"So what's our second subject" I looked at my scheldule

"Mines Music" we both said the same words at the same time..........then we went to the music room and of course Rin and Len were there

"Hey Rin Miku and Kaito is here!" Len said

"Huh? Where?" Rin asked and Len pointed at us then I directly remove my hands and me and miku sat in the same table since one small rectangle table fits 2 people. Until sensei came in

"Hello class I'm Mr. Gakupo. Now class I want you guys to partner up with someone now I know there are 19 of you guys so one group will have three members now group 1. Kaito, Miku, Len group 2. Rin,Neru group 3. Gumi, IA............" then he explained all the groups.....yay I'm group with Miku and len!

"Now class go to your group" then len went near us and said

"So where should we practice? Definitely not at my house cause Rin is there..."

"Mine mom won't accept it"

"How about my house since I live now with my mom and onii-chan"

"So it's decided we will sleep at Miku's House for 2 month! Since June just started"


"Oh and class you will perform twice.. first here in class the group with the highest score with perform infront of other schools so it's like a competition oh and we will perform first in the 2nd week of june then after that at June,30 we will compete got it? Oh and the grand winner receives a house w/swimming pool" then we all shouted in joy were so gonna win this!
~Time Skip end of school~
When Me, Miku,Len went home together we never knew we were neighbors....... Miku went inside her house to prepare, Len went to his house to pack some stuff, and I did the same thing
~Some time later~
Me and Len ringed her door bell and she opened it she was wearing a small shorts and a black and white t-shirt. Me and len wearing staring at her.......

"Hey guys aren't you gonna come in and stop staring at my body or I will punch you guys!!" Then we went inside her house

"Welcome to my house!! Mom and Mikuo isn't here cause they went on a vacation for 2 months don't worry my brotyer told the principal and the principal said yes so yeah" then we went to her room..... WOW her room is so clean big like really big it had a PS4 and a laptop and a computer and a tablet her bed was huge also it fits 3 people and a perfect place to practice!

"Hey guys it's only the first day of school and Mr. Gakupo talked to the principal about it and the principal said we won't have classes!!" Miku said

"Hey Miku where's your bathroom?" I asked

"Over there on that white door"


"So guys put your clothes there on that 2 cabinets I labeled your names there so you two don't get confused" Thanks miku.....I said in my mind

"So guys don't disturb me I'm going to take a quick shower"and we nodded.......................................

"Done!" Miku wore a very cute pajamas it was plain white. Then it was my turn to take a quick shower........................................................

"All done." I only wore a shorts and a sleeveless shirt and showing my 8 pack Len was next which makes me and miku alone again for a few minutes

"So you wanna finish were we last stop?" I asked miku and she blushed and nodded. When we move our heads closer for a kiss.....Yes it's a sucess me and miku were now kissing. Then I made the next move I slid my tongue on her mouth and she liked it her mouth tasted like candy

"I'm done guys--" then len got out of the bathroom and me and miku broke the kiss and talked about things

"So what are we going to perform?" Asked len

"Well me and miku are still thinking" hm.....I got an Idea!!

"How about this Len won't perfom in our class he'll only perform with us in the real competition!"

"That sounds like a great idea!" Said Len

"Yeah. But what will we kaito?"

"Hm Hey Miku can you search on your computer? And I'll use your laptop and searched songs and len you help finding a song"

"Wow kaito your clever but I still can't believe that you two kissed even though I'm here!" Len said.

"You saw us?!" Me and miku said in unison

"Um yeah the moment I got out I saw you and I went back inside and when I got out again I saw you two stop kissing...."

"So let's hurry up!" Wait a sec. A idea popped in my mind

"Idea alert, how about we make a song!"

"That's a great idea kaito!" Then we went to our choosen gadgets.....Miku was looking for the tune. Len was practing the dance since len kept on dance in elementary and me.... well I was the one making the lyrics.................

"Hey guys is canterella a great title?" I asked

"It depends...." Miku said

"Yeah it is"

"Thanks, So Len what's the dance steps?"

"Still working on it"

"How about you Miku how the tune?"

"Its doing great.. how about you? How the lyrics?"

"Still working on it" I said as I wrote on my diary

"Hey guys let's continue this tomorrow..." Miku said in a Very Sleepy Voice

"Sure" Miku was on the right said, I was at the left side and len was on the floor since he insit on sleeping on his lucky sleeping bag...........It was kinda akward miku was sleeping peacfully, Len was also sleeping peacefully while me I can't fricking sleep because I can feel mikus warm breath.....when I was going to get up and do the lyrics since I can't sleep I went downstairs first and drank water when I came back I bumped into miku making me fall ontop of her and suddenly our lips suddenly touched and I broke it and I whispered so len doesn't wake up

"What are you doing at midnight??" I asked?

"Cause I thought there was a thief!" Miku whispered. Then I moved over. And miku went to the room. What a great group...
I'm sorry this chapter is really long......
Bye Author-kun~

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