Part 4

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Guys, I would really like to get some comments & vote. I have no idea do you like it or no. And yeah. A huge huge thank you to my girl Luka, who is translating this story from Lithuanian.

"Chapter 3

Who would tell me, would a normal teenager be happy to get house arrest? No? Then I am stupid or you are not right. When I heard that I will not be able to get out of my house for a week, somehow I resisted the temptation to cover my mum with kisses for this brilliant idea. Don't you understand? This means, that I will not be bullied, I will be able to avoid my mums mutters, that instead of reading books, I should go and find some friends to hang out with, and lastly, I will not see that asshole, which I will have to suffer for a month, until he'll settle down. I flinched when I heard the door bell ring. I just came back from school, so I understood that it's not my parents, because they come back a lot later after work. I sliped into my soft slippers, took a red-cheeked apple from the cupboard, took a big bite of it and with no idea, opened the doors wide. The apple that I was holding in my hand just a millisecond ago, was now rolling down the porch' stairs.

"Hi, Valentina, can I come in?" Harry smiled, showing his full white line of teeth. In my head, there were so many spinning thoughts, about how he would look like if he didn't have any. I clenched my fists slightly. "Can I?"

" No." I murmured and stared at my shoes again.

"Shy Valentina." Harry chuckled, tucking his hands in his trouser pockets. "Come on, move away from the doors." He said ofhandedly.

"No." I said stronger and now I was staring at his chest. I couldn't dare to look at his eyes. I know I won't be able to manage.

"Valentina.." His voice suddenly changed and became sweet. "My bun, tea cookie." He put his hand on my shoulder and I quickly shook it off.

"How did you just call me?" I screamed to his face and pushed him.

"What's wrong with you?" He screamed back at me. "I wanted to apologize, but I see that it's not worth it. People were all right, you're a fat stubborn cow." He blurted out and I could tell he was happy to abuse me, because he knew that he wouldn't get it back from me too.

"And you.." I stuttered. "You.."

"What about me?" He laughed. "I am the towns most wanted boyfriend, which you could only dream about, right?" He smiled triumphantly.

"You're just a used sprat tin." I sobbed, and rushed inside, closing the door loudly behind me, right in front of Harry's surprised face."

Harry POV

"You won't come?" Louis stuck his head out the door and snickered when he saw that I was sitting on the floor, half naked, staring at the computer's screen."What's so interesting in Twitter these days, that you don't even put the computer away?" He sat down next to me and I quickly closed the computer. "Secrets?"

"No." I said, stretching. "Did the boys come already?"

"A long time ago." He answered offhandedly and stood up.

"I'll come in a bit." I went up to the wardrobe and took out any t-shirt. Lou wasn't there anymore. I quickly jumped up on the bed and opened the computer. At the bottom of the third chapter, there was a little author's comment;

" I am writing this story, not because to smirk at Harry Styles or laugh at everything again, that happened to me, but because I want to share everything that I went through with girls that are going through this period. So, don't worry girls, we are still the most beautiful."

I caught myself smiling at the screen, so I quickly turned off the browser and closed the computer. One day, I'll finish it by slamming it so hard. I went down the stairs and overheard the boys' conversation that was already started.

"Can you imagine, he called me a loser and all other words?" Louis said, jabbering.

"And what did you say to him?" Zayn asked carefully.

"You should've said that he stinks like some used sprat tin." Suddenly I interrupted. Only after a few seconds, the boys understood my words and started laughing.

"Thanks for always understanding me." Louis whispered and patted on my left shoulder.

"I love you too." I grimaced like I was five, but mentally, I was thanking Valentina.

There are no happy endings. There are only not ended (A Harry Styles FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now