Part 11

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"Chapter 9

8 days. It's been 8 days, since my life is not in my hands anymore. 8 days, when, for no reason, I scream at a postman, a teacher or any other passenger. 8 days when I brush my hair and get scared, because they are coming off. I can't tell my parents, because if I do, everything would be over and I would have to suffer the freaking bullies at school again. I have to wait for 4 more days. I have to.

"Why didn't you call me?" A voice behind me murmured. For the past few days, I knew that the strength is abandoning me, so I turned my head slowly, not hurrying, to see a red Harry's face.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you always sneaking on me?" I murmured quietly, because I just screamed at the pigeon which scared me, so now my throat was itching a lot. As always, I felt everyone's curious eyes on us, waiting for my another outbreak. Not able to bear it anymore, I walked towards the exit.

"Why didn't you call me?" He didn't slack off and followed me.

"Did I have to?" I sighed deeply, pushing the heavy, wooden doors.

"I was hoping to get a call from you.." He mumbled. God, when did he become such a weak person, not knowing what else to say?" Listen to me." He grabbed my wrist, forcing me to stop. The pain washed all of my body. "I don't know what you are doing to yourself, but I do not like that." He stretched his arm out and stroke my hair. "Your hair.. Holy shit, what is that?" He screamed, shaking his hand, where there was a not such a small mop of my hair. "Valentina, are you ill?" He whispered.

"Don't mind it.." I said calmly, looking at the mop of my hair that was now laying on the floor.

" Geez, Harry, you have to see this!" One of Harry's hanger-ons came shouting at us.

"I'm busy." Harry murmured, not looking at him.

"But Harry, you have to!" He screamed. " Let's go! This is something you've been waiting for all these 12 years in this school!" I saw him thinking whether to go or not. " Harry!"

"We're not done yet." He warned me and walked off with his friend, turning around to look at me once more."

Harry's POV

" Just look how many girls there are! Without using strength, we won't be able to get to the car." One of the body guards that were leading me said, as if trying to apologize to soon use strength against my girls.

"Leave it to me." I sighed and opened the hotel doors slowly. In a second, everyone's eyes were stuck on me.

"Harry, you don't have to." Paul came closer to me.

"Otherwise, we won't come out of here safe. " Another body guard said.

"Girls! Girls!" I had put my hands up in the air, trying to quiet them down a bit. " Everyone single one of you will be signed with one condition, that afterwards, you are not going to go under our car's wheels and let us go out of here calmly. Agreed?" I squeezed out a fake smile and looked around the girls, which were coming in an agreeing way. I walked down the stairs, two body guards at the front and two body guards at the back leading me.

"Harry, turn around!"

" No, Harry, look here!"

" Will you marry me?"

" You're so cute, please smile again!"

"Can you please sign this?" I stopped nearly in the middle of the crowd and took a girl's stretched out marker, signing my own picture for her.

" And me!"

" Me!"

"Harry!" The girl's were screaming. I felt like I was in a stormy sea, being swayed and blown everywhere.

" You can't touch him! " One of the body guards had said. Suddenly, I turned around and saw him push her back quite strongly.

" What is wrong with you?" I screamed at him angrily. The girl got out of the body guard's grasp and ran at me, hugging me at my waist. I didn't do the same, but I was still glaring at the guard. " You can't hurt them either!"

" Harry, I love you.." She whispered. I bent my head and put my hand on her back, stroking it.

"Me too." I sighed.

There are no happy endings. There are only not ended (A Harry Styles FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now