Chapter 1

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Finally it was eighth hour. School was the most boring and sometimes welcome thing in the world compared to what Caity and I do outside of school. I thought as I sat in science.

"Please take out the lab I handed out yesterday. We are going to be running up and down the school stairs to see how mass affects acceleration" Our teacher, Mr. Lee said. You should understand that Mr. Lee was no ordinary teacher. Besides reasons that you will learn later, he was one of my least favorite teachers. Mr. Lee spoke in the most boring, plain voice.

"We don't have time to start the lab today so right now you can work on your assignment that is due Friday."

While we were working in our homework, Mr. Lee sat down at his computer and started typing. That doesn't sound very suspicious, but he kept glancing up and checking to make sure that nobody could see him. Every time a student would go ask him a question he would immediately open another window. Plus, he was in one of the cameras' blind spots.


The bell rang. School ended and the stampede started. Caitlyn and I were out of school and headed to work. Yeah, yeah, yeah we are young but you would be surprised at what we can do.

I pulled my magnetic glove out of my backpack and connected my handheld computer to it.

"Any new missions today?" I said talking to my watch while punching in the password on my computer.

"No right now you two have the afternoon off. But we have received an anonymous message that a new superhero has moved into the vicinity. She is not currently working for an organization. If you catch sight of her, befriend her. Learn her motives. We are not sure that she is on our side. If she is, try to convince her to join D.O.C. I am sending you her picture." Our mission giver, Charles Hamilton, said.

Seconds later, a picture of a girl our age popped up on my screen.

"Her superhero name is Dolly Polly, but her normal name is Molly. I know this is a minor mission, but it is still important. It's up to you. Over and out." Charles signed off.

"So where should we start looking?" Caitlyn asked.

"Well, Mr. Hamilton said that she was in the vicinity so she's probably going to be a new student here. Tomorrow we can check out the new kids at school. For now we can ask around town, see if we see any moving trucks." I answered while packing up the glove and computer.

So we started to walk around town. After a while we still hadn't found anything so we decided to sleepover at Caitlyn's house. Unfortunately, her parents were home so we couldn't talk about our mission or plans. But fortunately, Caitlyn, like me, has a bookcase that opens into a secret room with a spiraling staircase leading down to another room. And a slide.

We slid down the slide and into one of the most comfy rooms ever. Bean bags, blankets, pillows and stuffed animals filled the room. In the corner there was a fridge with snacks and drinks. I dropped my bag in with the animals and grabbed myself a Dr. Pepper and tossed Caity an Orange Crush.

"So what's our game plan now?" I asked.

"Well, since we can't do anything right now, wait 'til school tomorrow I guess." Caitlyn answered.

"It doesn't feel right to just sit around, but okay! Time to start this sleepover!" I yelled.

"Shhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! My parents will hear you!" Caity shushed me.

"Caity, Caity, Caity, you forget that I designed this room. It's soundproof!" I laughed.

Seconds later music was playing and we were chillin'.

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